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Hello all! Welcome to the Blood Cross. I've been writing this novel for so long. Finally having the guts to edit it and publish it.

This chapter is a bit long, and honestly I've been reshaping it and polishing it as I go.

But thank you for all the wonderful comments and feedback!


And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see.

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

(From the Book of Revelations)

November the 3rd, 1980

Stuck at the end of the world surrounded by 15 meters of snow, and trying to survive a blizzard that probably will last for at least 3 days, the whole expedition team tries to make themselves occupied, some with board games, and others making themselves more useful like analysing the latest records of their expedition.

It isn't easy to spend months in a bunker in the middle of the deadliest place on Earth, the South Pole. But they did have the chance to make one of the most amazing discoveries in the human history! Eighteen of the brightest young scientists, from various fields gathered by the United States government, were sent ASAP in secrecy to one of the American posts in this continent, surrounded by nothingness, only kilometres of death and sorrow.

Trying to keep his mind occupied Lucas Appleton a twenty eight year old archaeologist tries to defeat his comrade Gavin Roberts for the second time in a chess play, but it proves that his friend is unbeatable, making him loose ten dollars because of their bet.

In his entire life, Lucas only dreamed to be part of such an amazing investigation, but his life changed when ten months earlier a group of black suited men, came to his office at Berkeley University asking him to go with them, because they would probably need his help after reading his last thesis about the human origins and lost civilisations, where he defended that the human race once possessed a super advanced civilisation that at some point was lost due to a unknown event, making us go back to the starting point. 

Well in his opinion, he never thought this could be taken seriously by anyone, since most of his colleagues and friends criticised him because they felt he was losing it. 

But he didn't really care, since now everything was starting to make a point, and that made him going to the vault where he gazes at the mysterious artefact that the original team found eight years prior, stored inside. 

A strange stone that reformats itself constantly, depending on its environment, and later noticed by him, to who was next to it. It had this dark red tone adorned with hundreds of odd patterns, which they kept moving within a yellow glow. 

He smiles, as it just change its form from an oval rock to a long rod stone, now with a blue shade. 

They found it while accidentally stumbled across some ancient ruins at the dry valley: five pillars, and that was it! 

He kept reading the records, they still had a lot to study, specially its age, if they by any chance could verify that, that would be a very dangerous statement, since if it was found truth, it would shake all history books and rewrite all the knowledge we had about the human origins. 

The stone brightens by the reflections of the artificial lights, radiating a blue light that comes from the blue diamond on its centre. Previous studies about it proved that this was an alien object, since none of its materials were found on Earth. 

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