Chapter 3

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The world was in silence. It's like all life resigned to exist and everything was waiting for it's exactly end. There are no birds, no insects, and no people. No traffic jams, no screams, no laughs. Nothing. Nothing existed anymore. Until that song came. A simple lullaby that all the sentient beings knew, as it was here everything since the beginning. Like a mother, singing a lullaby to her babies.

Two butterflies flew along, dancing around each other. One black, another white, both of them in complete balance. They start dancing around Evan who realises them. They try to cheer him up, and when he tries to reach them, they fly back and start dancing around this woman, who starts walking gracefully among the bodies. 

Her raven hair waves as she moves so smoothly that she looks like she was dancing. Her skin shines like the moon and her bright earthly eyes stare at him.

He'd never saw someone has beautiful has her. Golden suns embellish her wavy hair, and her full blossomed mouth whisper at his hear magical words that make him fall asleep. "Don't forget what had happened here..."

Before closing his eyes, Evan still manages to see the butterflies dancing and everything came blurry. Life, which had stopped, started to bloom again. The Hacker was erased and everything that was gone, and everything was whole again. People surrounded them, his family tried to wake him up as he collapsed in the middle of the room.

He opens his eyes; he could see his parents as well as Henry who was kneeing right beside him, holding his hand. They smile at each other.

With disgust his mum tries to pick him up. "Come on, it's time to move young man." She stares at Henry. "Thank you for your help young man, but we can take off this by ourselves." With disdain she pulls Evan away from him and forces him into her husband. 

It was time to go home. His head was still like a whirlwind, as everything seemed so confusing. That creature, that man, and then that lady. What the hell happened? Then, he looks at his hand and remembers of Henry. Was it all just a dream? He was definitely getting insane.

Rapidly, they pull him back into the car. It was raining again outside, and strangely enough, for the first time in years, he felt at peace. So much that he immediately closes his eyes and embarked into a long sleep.


The alarm still resonates through the labs, as people are running trying to evaluate the damages. Here and there, they find bodies, some were humans, others not. Such a waste. It would take months, maybe years to pick up from the loss of data.

Amelia walks through the chaos wearing some designer's clothes. Her high heels echoed through the marble floor in an impeccable timing. As against everyone else she looked calm and composed.

The head of Security approaches to give her the stats, only eight dead with a couple more of injuries. Not bad, at least what she would deal the human HR was minimum as the company's lawyers where already on the hook with this case. Not to mention the guests. 

She knew, as she was there that the Hacker managed to get there, and everything would be chaotic, but something interfered, and the results were unimaginable. It was like nothing actually happened! All traces were gone. No causalities, no damages. Nothing!

She felt a few presences, here and there, but when she was rushed to leave something huge came along. A power that she never felt before.

And in that moment she knew that her plans were at risk. They needed to move soon. And there was also those children... she was pretty close to find him! The main reason why they've managed to throw that event was to pin point if that man was reborn into any of those families and that everything happen.

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