Chapter 12

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Oh my! Chapter 12 is here! Apologies for the  long wait.

Like the previous chapter, things are wrapping and a few secrets are being unwrapped.


Quietly, hundreds maybe thousands gather in an underground temple wearing a red hood. Back at the end of the room, where the altar is situated there is a massive Contra Mundi sign, a red Horus surrounded by a six point star.

And in the middle of the altar stands that old man, Ergulas sitting quietly with his legs crossed and hands right over his knees, palms up. His long dark ropes flow around his body almost touching the circle of red candles surrounding him.

"My children, the time has come." He straightens is head, showing his wrinkled face against the light. "My unseen eyes have seen the future, and from there, I've seen death."

He points out directly straight ahead with his skinny white hands trembling due to his overly extended age.

"Those from the accursed clan, please gather around me."

Immediately, from that crow. A group of people join next to him. These opposite from everyone else are using black hoods instead of red.

All sixteen kneel before the their leader.

"Please instruct us father."

Ergulas stand still for a moment. Then his trembling lips start moving, forming words.

"You from the accursed blood have been chosen to give birth to that man's soul." As he speaks the fire from the candles grow stronger while his vests slide down from the top of his torso, showing a frail figure.

Then, one single white glorious wings grows from his back, opening up in all its splendour.

"Long, long ago when our promised land was swollen by the seas, we made a pact. For our survival we swore allegiance towards those who have cursed us and then abandoned us. And in that pact, we were asked one thing, one simple thing: to take off the head of that accursed child!"

"Now my dear children is the time!" His voice raises and spreads like thunder around the temple echoing in the walls. "The Cycle is now complete and The Morning Star has been reborn again, and you." He points out to the people close to him. "You were chosen to give birth to him or her, and so it is your destiny to take that life!"

From the left and right side, a small group of people walk to the centre, carrying white pillows, each one carrying several silver daggers.

"Now with those you shall take care of it and fulfil what has been ordered." He lowers his right hand which was up. "Now you are disbanded. Go children! We cannot that light be reborn again! Go!"

Quietly each one of them picks up one dagger and leaves, until it gets to the last member, a man who hesitantly picks it up. Ergulas, feeling his doubts moves his head towards him. "I know this is difficult child, but it must be done. For yours and your family sake, you need to kill your own child."

The man acknowledges and stands up leaving.


Ergulas now alone contemplates his own visions.

There he still can see the end, the old Earth is dead being fed to that giant tree. And close to it, those four children standing around Lucifer.

Procedures should be made.

He then calls out for a group of men and women wearing black suits gather in the temple, each one of them opening their only wings.

"Nephilim, a difficult path is coming and my dreams have shown me that what we've planned is not enough. So it rests in your hands to fulfil our destinies and close this open path."

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