Chapter 10

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I headed downstairs to the smell of waffles and chocolate syrup.

"Morning girls. How did you sleep?" I heard my stepmom ask me.

"We slept great!" Miranda said with enthusiasm.

I wish.

"You know, we have church right after this Miranda. Why don't you tag along with us?" my dad asked. I quickly jumped in and said,

"I'm sorry but she—"

"Sure, I'd love to!" she told us.

I sighed.

Why do I even try?

"You girls better get ready then. In about 5 minutes, we're leaving." my dad said.

"Ok dad." I quietly said.

We finished our breakfast and headed back upstairs to my room.

Miranda then pulled me into my walk-in closet.

"What were you about tell your parents back downstairs?" she growled.

"N-Nothing i-important," I quickly said.


I felt pain across my cheek.

Did she just slap me?!

"I'll ask you again...What were you gonna tell your parents back downstairs?!"

"T-That y-you co-couldn't co-ome to c-church tod-day..." I managed to say.


I felt pain on my other cheek. She suddenly grabbed me by my PJ's collar.

"Don't ever try to answer for me again Grace, is that understood?!"

I quickly nodded, afraid to upset her even more.

She then let go of my collar.

I gasped for air.

"Come on, we don't have all day," Miranda said as she went to my closet.

She pulled out 2 dresses and handed me one.

"Wear this," she demanded.

I sadly took the dress and headed in my bathroom to change.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

For the remaining of the day, I kept my mouth shut; afraid of getting hurt by Miranda.


I headed to where my friends were hanging out. When I arrived there, they all saw the sadness within my eyes.

"Hey Grace, you ok?" Anna asked.

I broke down but managed to tell them about my horrifying weekend.

At first, there was silence. Then Ella shouted "I'M GONNA FUCKING MURDER THAT B-"
"Calm yourself Ella. We'll find a way to stop this." Nadia calmly spoke.

"But what if we don't?! Poor Grace over here can't dare to think of spending another minute with that mother fucker!" Ella asked.

She had a point. What if we don't find a way out of this? What if I'm stuck spending my entire teen years with her? What if she hurts me again?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice I had walked away from my friends. I then heard.

Just kill yourself. It'll make the pain go away.

I stopped my tracks. I decided to start talking to this other voice in my head.

Will the pain really go away?

Trust me. The pain will be gone after you do it. After all, nobody will ever notice you're gone. You're just invisible.

That's true, but what if my friends—

Your friends won't notice you gone. Nobody ever notices you now, what difference will it make if you're gone?


Do it at lunch. You'll thank me later that you did this.

I couldn't believe I was gonna say this (technically think this is what I should type but eh) but I think the voice is right. Sadly.

I sighed and headed to first period.


Making sure no one was following me, I went to the restroom.

I put down my backpack and took out my scissors.

This is it.

I'm finally gonna be happy.

I took the scissors in my hand and pressed it hard against my neck.

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