C h a p t e r F i v e

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;of His wife


"Off to running, Mags!" I called out to Maggie who was cooking breakfast for Declan. Declan was running late as usual for his morning conference call. Titan ran to me with his leash in his mouth. I chuckled, grabbing the running leash and ruffled Titan's head, "Come on, big guy. Time to go for a run,"

Declan stopped giving me cold shoulder one week later after the Orion incident. It wasn't because he wanted to talk to me, it was because Michael called and we went out for dinner together. Michael seems to notice our replies to each other, began giving us a life lesson of marriage. Gina Harte, Michael's wife was a sweet lady who clicked instantly with me.

After saying goodbye to Michael and Gina, Declan finally started the conversation, breaking the ice between us. I could see it was tough for Declan to break the ice first. Titan looked up to me with those puppy eyes with his tongue out as we jogged over the park and headed towards town.

I'm meeting Keira at a restaurant to get our brunch. She was typing furiously away on her phone when I reached the restaurant with Titan. Keira greeted Titan first and crunched her nose when she saw how I looked, "You are the only person I knew who will walk into a restaurant looking like hell,"

I rolled my eyes, leashing Titan on my chair and gave him a poured a bottle of mineral water for him. "You are the only person I knew who eat so much but gain so little. So excuse me while I ran five miles to town,"

Keira's smile widened began live firing about what she did.

In the middle of our brunch, I looked across the street and saw someone familiar, struggling with a guy filled with tattoos and piercing. He was wearing a leather jacket, grabbing Jordan's hand. I jumped out of my seats immediately, ignoring Keira who stood up, staring at me with Titan.

I crossed over the road and took Jordan's hand in mine, "Let go of her," I was surprised at my calm and firm voice. I stared at the guy who was obviously hurting Jordan.

Jordan hid behind me and the guy narrowed his eyes at me, "Who are you?"

"I'm her sister," I spat. My protectiveness was overwhelming. I was aware of Keira looking at us and Jordan cowering behind me like a scared puppy, "Just leave, Dexter. She's my brother's wife,"

Dexter spit on the ground and grabbed his helmet, threw me a glare before he kicked his ducati and left. I turned to Jordan, "Who the hell is he?"

"He's my boyfriend," Jordan said warily. When I was about to ask more questions, she cut me off, "Please don't tell Declan about this. He will be so mad,"

"Of course he will be mad. This Dexter was hurting you, Jordan," I said, bringing her across the street. Titan was wagging his tail, excited about the person I brought back. Jordan bend down to greet Titan and said hello to Keira.

"Jordan, this is my friend, Keira. Keira, this is Declan's sister, Jordan." I introduced. Keira gave Jordan a warm smile and asked, "You looked like you could use a meal,"

Jordan shook her head, "It's fine. I need to head back anyway." Jordan looked at me pleadingly, "Please,"

I gave her a resigned sigh and nodded, "Make sure you call for help and stay away from him if he does that again. If not Declan will be hearing from me."

"Thank you," Jordan said, petted Titan and said goodbye to Keira.

We watched Jordan drive away and Keira looked at me as if she found something interesting on my face, "Aw, going all protective towards your husband's sibling now?"

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