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It was September 5th on a Sunday. The day of the big dance. Wich dance? The summer dance. Every year our school celebrated it. Couples or friends went there to dance and have fun. With lots of loud music, food and drinks. And I would go with Finn. Every year I went alone. But this time I wouldn't. And I was more than excited.

We didn't had school and the dance would start at 7pm. Finn decided to pick me up then. He would come in, with his elegant tuxedo and he would look good. He would give me a flower and he would smile at me and say 'I love you Grace'. At least that was how I thought it would go.

It was 3pm and i had still 4 hours to find a perfect outfit and be ready for the dance. But how was I supposed to do that. I had nothing to wear and no money. My mum was finally home again and she wouldn't go work until Tuesday. I was more than happy about what was also the reason why I couldn't ask her for money. I just couldn't. That would be rude. She still didn't know something about Finn but I didn't want to tell her about him. I didn't know how.

I stood in my room and searched for a beautiful dress in my wardrobe. But there was nothing. All my clothes laid on the floor and I fell to the ground and buried my face into my arms. I just had a few hours and I had nothing to wear. I couldn't look ugly. But there was no dress. I slowly stood up and sneaked outside my room. There was one room I could look for clothes. My mum's room.

I sneaked to the door and touched the door handle. Then I pushed it down but someone screamed my name. My heart fell to the ground and I turned around. I just hoped my mum didn't hear me. But she stood nowhere. "Grace come down please." I heard it again I immediately ran down the stairs and stopped at the living room where my mum sat. "Honey what are you doing?" she asked.

My heart stopped beating for a second after I heard those words in her mouth. What should I tell her why I needed a dress? Usually I took some jeans and a t-shirt for the dance night because I had no boyfriend or friends I could go with. But I couldn't wear such things with Finn. My mum knew all about me except this one little thing. But I didn't want to tell her yet.

"I need a dress for the dance night. But I have nothing like that in my wardrobe. Do you maybe..." she interrupt me. "I have the perfect dress for you. Just go up to your room. I'll be there in a few minutes." she said. The hopeless gaze on my face was gone and a big smile filled my face. I ran up the stairs and into my room.

All the clothes were still on the floor and I knew my mum would be very angry so I started to clean everything up.

After a while she finally came. She slowly opened the door and smiled. In her hands was a dress. Not just one dress. It was the prettiest dress I had ever seen. It was a blue dress and it was a long dress. With small rhinestones  everywhere. It shined like the dark night. My eyes widened and I smiled again. Then I ran to my mum and gave her a tight hug. "Put it on already. I want to see you in it." she said and smiled.

She went outside and I took on the dress. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. My mum came back and her smile got bigger. "You look like me when I wore this." she said with little tears in her eyes. It made me smile even more. I felt so happy. In this beautiful dress and all this. It was just perfect. I went to the mirror and looked at myself. I never felt like that. I was excited, happy, my heart pounded faster, my breath went faster. All this together.

"Now get yourself ready and I drive you alright?" she said. I turned around and the smile on my face was gone. "Um mum....someone will pick me up." I said through my teeth. "Who?" she asked. "Um.....a-a boy." I said. "April is there something you haven't told me yet?" she said and crossed her arms. "No no everything is alright. I'll explain it later alright." I said. I started to sweat a little bit. "Alright. I'm happy for you." she said and her smile was back. I nodded and then she left the room.

6:55pm. In a few minutes he would be here. I sat on my bed and I smelled my favorite perfume on myself.

6:56pm. Just a little bit more. What if I'm not pretty enough?

6:57pm. Or what if I can't dance? Oh I can't dance. Oh no. I need to learn dancing.

6:58pm. My heart was pounding so fast. I started to sweat again and opened my window.

6:59pm. He would be right in time. I already heard his car parking in the yard. Oh no. He was here. Time to go.


A lout doorbell made my heart fall to the ground. I ran downstairs and to the door. Then opened the door to see a Finn in a.....tuxedo with flowers in his hand. The different was just he looked better than I thought. I gave him a hug and he smiled at me. "You look beautiful." he said in a soft voice. I smiled at him and he gave me the flower. Then my mum came down the stairs with a camera in her hand.

"I need to take a picture." she said. I rolled with my eyes but Finn had already his arm wrapped around me. Then my mum took a picture and smile then. "Have fun. And don't get drunk." she said. "We won't." I said annoyed. Then we left the house and I closed the door behind me. It was time for the dance.

1058 words

the next chapter will be the final chapter.

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