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I woke up and looked around. I couldn't really remember what happened. I was wrapped into a blanket and it was pretty hot.

"Finn?" I shouted. "huh?" Finn asked and I saw him behind the sofa. "Oh my god what are you doing? I thought something happened to you again." I said and touched my head. "No everything is alright babe." he said. He called me babe. It was kinda awkward but I also felt very happy.

I looked around and noticed everything was clean again. "Did you do that?" I asked and pointed through the whole room. Finn nodded and smiled. I stood up and looked around. "Wow you're perfect at everything." I said and smiled.

Finn came up to me and wrapped his hands around me. "You're the only thing that is perfect here." he said. Then he picked me up and carried me outside. "Oh my god wolfhard I have no shoes. I'm just wearing socks. Go back inside." I screamed and laughed. He just shook his head and put me i to his car.

"What are you going to do?" I asked. "Oh that's a surprise." Finn said and smirked. He started the car and we just drove.

After a while Finn stopped the car and got out. He opened my door and went to his knees. "What should I do now?" I asked. "You should go on my back. I have to carry you. You have no shoes on." he said. I jumped on his back and he started walking. "You know it's your fault that I have no shoes." I said and laughed. Finn also laughed and we started to walk.

"Cover your eyes." Finn said. I did it and tried not to fall to the ground. I felt Finn still walking until he stopped. "Ok now you can look." he said.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw we were at the flower filed. But in the middle of the flower field. I never was here before. Flowers were everywhere and the sun was right above us. Finn sat down in the middle of the filed and smiled at me. "I thought that would be great. Yesterday was maybe not the best day." he said and smiled. I also sat down.

"Oh my god Finn. I love you so fucking much." I said and hugged him. "I love you too." he said and laughed. "I thought I could ask you something." he said and smiled. I just nodded and smiled at him. "Ok so....." he hesitated for a while. "D-D-Do you want....I mean we know each other longer and-and we love each other right and-and I thought we could....do you....do you want to be my girlfriend Grace?" he asked then. I got big eyes and a big smile on my face. "I love you so much Finn Wolfhard." I said and kissed him. "Of course I want to be your girlfriend." I said and kissed him again.

We continued sitting there for a while. We laid on the floor. I was in Finn's arms. It was the best feeling ever. Until Finn stood up. "So, do you want to do something else or just go home?" Finn asked and smiled. "Let's go home. We can cuddle a little bit." I said and smiled. "I like that." Finn said and winked. I jumped on his back and we walked back to the car. I sat down on the passenger seat and Finn started the car.

We arrived at his house and went inside. Then we went up to his room. I sat down on his bed and he smiled at me. "Where's you guitar?" I asked. "Oh. It is in the back of my car. I thought you saw it." he said. I shook my head. "Give me a second." he said. He ran back downstairs and I heard someone opening the door. After a while he came back up. With his guitar. I smiled and he sat down on his bed.

"So....any song suggestions?" Finn asked and smiled. "um.....I don't know" I said and shrugged. Ok let me try something.

My head laid on Finn's should while he did something on his guitar. I waited for a while until he stopped. "Ugh....it's so hard. Ok let me try." he said. He slowly started to play a melody and smiled a little bit. After a while he started to sing. His beautiful angel voice blessed my ears. I could listen to it for hours. I listened how he sang.

Whenever I'm alone with you
you make me feel like I'm home again.
Whenever I'm alone with you
you make me feel like I'm whole again.

He sang the first lines and smiled at me. "That's the prettiest song I've ever heard." I said. Finn continued playing. Then he sang again.

However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you

Then he stopped playing. He laid the guitar on the floor and turned around to face me. "I hope you like your present?" he said and smiled. "For me?" I asked. He nodded. "I loved it. Your voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen. I don't deserve you. " I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. He shook his head. "Grace. You deserve the world. You're my angel. I love you Grace." Finn said soft. Our heads touched each other and we smiled. "I love you too." I whispered. Then Finn's lips slowly touched my lips. His hand ran through my hair and he stroke my cheek with his thumb. It made me smile.

Then he laid down on his bed. I laid down in his arm and smiled again. "Finn? I'm so happy to have you." I said and smiled. "I'm happy to have you." Finn said and smiled back. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and smiled then.

What could go wrong now?

1024 words

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