Chapter 8- Starbucks Nightmare

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Maya's P.O.V.

It's the morning after the party and I wake up to find myself in Charlie's arms and my head on his chest. He's still asleep..aww!

I was so upset last night Charlie asked his mum if I could stay and she said yeah and I had permission from my mum. When we got back to Charlie's Charlie asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. He spun me around and we kissed! Last night cheered me up!

I try and get out of Charlie's grip without him waking up but as I stood up a warm hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

"Morning Princess" Charlie says in his adorable morning voice.

"Morning my prince" I reply kissing his cheek.

"What do you wanna do today?" Charlie asked.

"I don't mind" I answer

"Wanna go Starbucks then the park?" Charlie asked

"Yeah sure, but I don't have anything to wear" I say as I look at myself as I'm still wearing my dress from last night.

"You can borrow one of my tops and some of my mums leggings, sure she won't mind, and my mum has a make up box with unused make up. I will ask if you can use that" Charlie says as he smiles, showing his cute dimples.

"Okay" I say back as Charlie runs downstairs to ask his mum.

Then a few second later he comes back with the make up box and a pair of leggings.

"She said you can keep these as she won't get use from them anyway" Charlie smiles

"Thank you baby" I say back taking the box and leggings off him.

He opens his wardrobe and pulls out his blue and white dip dyed shirt and gave it to me. I went to the bathroom and got changed and did my make up. I put my hair in a messy bun and as I open the bathroom door Charlie is already stood there with a grin on his face. He passes me a pair of his high tops that didn't fit them anymore and said I could wear them instead of my heels. I grab my phone and we set off.


We arrived at Starbucks and we ordered a caramel frappe each and sat down. We talked for a while until Charlie's phone lit up. He had a text from his friend Leo.

"Listen baby I just need to get this lyric sheet off Leo and he's asking me to get it from mcdonalds across the road but I will come straight back and I will be quick okay?" He says as he kisses my cheek.

"Okay baby" I say back and hug him before he leaves.

When Charlie is out of sight I hear footsteps coming closer to me from behind. I turn round and see them... The group of boys that bullied me at school and they were with a few girls.

"Hey guys look who's here on here own, the little loner" one brunette boy says.

"Leave me alone!" I shout as I start to walk but he grabs my arm and pushes me to the ground, oh no.. Here we go again. There wasn't anyone around , no customers, no staff so I suffered alone. They kicked, punched, scratched me and called me vile names and threatened me, I felt weak, life less, I had to cry. I give up. Around 30 seconds later I hear a familiar voice shouting my name. Then the bullies run off and they reveal Charlie running towards me looking worried.

I couldn't get up, I was full of cuts and bruises. I felt weak.

Charlie fell to his knees and put his arms protectively around me. I just cry into his tshirt.

"I'm so so sorry baby I shouldn't of left you, I'm so sorry" Charlie's voice cracked, I could tell he was gonna cry.

"Charlie, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself, none of us knew this was going to happen" I cry as Charlie's arms tighten around me.

"Maya, you can't go home like this, stay at mine for another night and I will explain to mine and your mum what's happened and I will ask your mum to bring some spare clothing etc. okay princess?" Charlie whispers as Starbucks starts to fill with people.

"Okay" I say back.


A/N- thanks for reading guys! Sorry if this was a bit upsetting! But there's going to be a surprise next chapter...😏🙌

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