Chapter 77- Broken String

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Charlie's P.O.V.

It's been 1 months since Maya was released from hospital and she's struggling to walk a little.

I decided that I will take Maya shopping today, we will get an early bus and go on a shopping spree, then were at Josh's birthday bash.

We get up and get ready, ready for the 9:30am bus.

Maya's P.O.V.

Me and Charlie got the bus into town at around 9:30am. When we arrived we bumped into Cal and Jez (cal and Josh's mate).
They told us they came into town to get the last few bits for Josh's birthday bash.

We leave them to it and start shopping.


It's now 7pm and Josh's party starts at 7:30. We had a lovely day shopping and I bought a new outfit for Josh's party. (Outfit pic in media section)

As I apply a coat of mascara there's a knock at the door. I finish my mascara and walk to the door. As I open it stood on the other side was an upset Cal.

"Cal what's up?" I ask as I give him a hug.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Sure come in" I say and let him in. He takes a seat on the couch as I put everything in my bag. Then I take a seat next to cal. Charlie said he was popping out to buy some more food. But he's been gone a while..

"What's wrong then cal?" I ask.

"It's Carla." He says

"Why what's happened?" I ask.

"She's cheated on me" he bursts into tears so I pull him into a tight hug.

"Cal I'm so sorry hun" I say rubbing his back.
He stays silent.

"Who with?" I ask. I do care about cal, he's my best friend.

He stays silent.


"You won't believe me but..." He says couldn't have...NO!

"Maya I'm so sorry" he says.

I break down. I stand up to walk to my bathroom and lock the door. I lean on the sink and burst into tears. I hear cal at the other side of the door.

"Maya come out please" he says. He's heartbroken.

That's where he's gone...isn't it? No.
I open the door and fall into cals arms.

" you know?" I ask.

"I went home after getting a new tie for the party and I come home and I hear weird noises upstairs. I walk up and i follow the sound which leads to the master bedroom...and there they were" his voice breaks and he gulps. He pulls me into a hug and all we do is cry.

About 3 minutes later we pull away.
"We better get to the party ay? Can't let josh down can we?" He smiles.

I don't wanna go..cos Charlie and Carla will be there...but I'm going for josh and cals sake cos they're my best friends.

We lock up and drive to the party.


We arrive at the party and we walk in. We enter and cal goes off to find josh. As he leaves a pair of familiar arms wrap around me. Shit...

"Babyyyy" the voice says and kisses my neck.

I turn around and slap him hard.

"Don't you TOUCH ME!!" I scream and he looks at me with anger.

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