Chapter 2: Father Figures

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This is just some filler. :)

Also, I'm incorporating Master Gicchin from the manga with a mix of the anime.


The next day, Goku and Jiren were doing some mild sparring in the fields. They both decided they should train together since they were both evenly matched. Goten had decided to drop by earlier and chatted with both of them. The Demi-Saiyan was glad his father had found someone he loved and Goku was glad his son understood.

The duo was just about to do another beam struggle when two figures emerged from the forest.

"Is it them?" Goku asked, and he got his answer when Grandpa Gohan and Master Gicchin walked towards them.

Goku had tears in his eyes and ran towards his adoptive grandfather, "Grandpa!"

"Hello my boy!" said Grandpa Gohan as they both embraced.

"I missed you, Grandpa!"

Jiren turned and saw Gicchin walking towards him.

"Hello, Jiren! Long time no see."

Jiren smiled and hugged his master, "Good to see you too, Master Gicchin."

Goku and Grandpa Gohan walked towards the duo and the Saiyan introduced his father figure, "Jiren, this is my Grandpa Gohan. Grandpa, this is Jiren. He's from Universe 11."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jiren."

Gicchin decided to introduce himself, "I'm Master Gicchin."

"I know!" Goku exclaimed, "I've heard stories from Jiren!"

Gicchin looked confused, "Why are you in another universe Jiren?"

Jiren replied, "As I've told everyone else, I retired as a Pride Trooper and I'm living the rest of my days on Earth."

"I see."

The group walked back to the house and began chatting. They talked about their lives and what they had accomplished over the years. Gicchin was proud that his student had finally understood the lesson he was meant to learn and Grandpa Gohan was proud of Goku's bravery and pure-heart.

Later that afternoon, Goku was sitting outside his house when Grandpa Gohan walked up to him.

"Hey Grandpa!" exclaimed Goku, motioning his adoptive grandfather to sit next to him, which he did.

"It's such a shame you and that Chichi divorced." Grandpa Gohan said sadly. Goku replied, "Yeah."

Goku decided that now was the time to make amends, "Grandpa... I'm sorry, if it weren't for me you would've lived longer."

Grandpa Gohan smiled sadly, "Goku my time would've come eventually."

"I know!" Goku shouted, tears threatening to spill, "But... you warned me about looking at the full moon! I-I didn't listen, and you... you..."

"Goku, I hold no resent for what you did. You had no idea, you were only a child."

Goku felt the tears fall down his face as he hugged Grandpa Gohan, his body shaking, "Th-Thank you, Grandpa."

The duo pulled away as Goku stood up smiling, "I gotta talk to you and Gicchin about something."

Meanwhile, in the house, Jiren and Gicchin were talking... about a sensitive topic.

"Master, I'm sorry. It's my fault you died."

Gicchin smiled, "Don't be, it was my fault. We rushed in without a proper plan. I take all the blame."

"You shouldn't!" Jiren shouted, making Gicchin confused. The Pride Trooper clenched his fists as he spoke.

"I trained as much as I could, as hard as I could, just so I could defeat the demon that killed my parents and village! And when we saw it I... I was overcome with rage! I let my emotions blind me to the truth: we weren't ready! And because of my foolish actions, you perished!"

"Jiren..." Gicchin replied, placing a hand on his student's shoulder, "Don't blame yourself, I wanted to kill that monster too. I knew deep down that you weren't ready but my emotions misled me as well. I paid the price for my actions, not yours."

Jiren looked down and was about to speak again when suddenly Goku and Grandpa Gohan walked in with the Saiyan nodding at him.

"Are you sure?" Jiren asked. Goku nodded.

"I've never been surer in my life."

Goku and Jiren slowly turned to their confused father figures, the former beginning to speak, "Well, there's something we need to tell both of you."

"What is it, my boy?" Grandpa Gohan asked. Goku couldn't find the right words to say, so Jiren spoke for him.

"Goku and I are, in Earthling terms, dating."

Goku was surprised at how Jiren could say that with ease, and the duo was also shocked to see Gicchin and Gohan smiling.

"Well, that's wonderful, Goku! I'm proud of the both of you." said Grandpa Gohan, Gicchin nodded, "We'd never judge you."

"R-Really?" Goku and Jiren looked at each other happily and then at Grandpa Gohan and Gicchin, "Thank you so much!"

The rest of the day they showed their father figures to the rest of the gang and showed them just how much stronger they had gotten. Gicchin and Grandpa Gohan were impressed with the fact that they had both surpassed the gods. Afterward, Goku and Jiren did some quick no-holds-barred sparring in the wasteland, which Goku won to Jiren's dismay. However, Gicchin was proud of him nonetheless. But every good thing must come to an end.

"Don't worry Goku! You'll see me in Otherworld again!" said Grandpa Gohan smiling. Goku hugged him, "I know. I can't wait."

"It was nice to see you again master." Jiren and Gicchin embraced, "Don't worry about me, you just keep on being the best you can be."

Goku and Jiren watched as the Grand Priest took Gicchin and Grandpa Gohan back to their respective Otherworld, leaving them on the field.

Goku then turned to Jiren and held his hand, "C'mon, let's go back in."

Jiren nodded and both of them went back to the house. Knowing that wherever Gohan and Gicchin were, they'd be watching over them, smiling all the way.

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