Chapter 3: Affection and Deities

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P.S. I deleted a part of the story that was really just unnecessary and really, REALLY cringey for me (it was a previous Chapter 3) because it just felt weird and a bit too much for me. Someone commented on it about how I had balls to write that and it made me realise how cringey it was and how... out of place it felt, so I deleted it. Sorry if ya liked it.



"Hey, Jiren! I'm back!" Goku exclaimed, yawning loudly. Jiren turned from his position on the couch to face his mate,

"So Goku... did you enjoy the groceries?" Jiren said smirking.

Goku groaned in response, "It was AWFUL!!! Five receipts worth of shopping? C'mon! It's not my fault I have a black hole for a stomach!"

Jiren laughed a little as Goku placed his shopping bags on the dining table. The Saiyan clutched a cup of water and sat next to Jiren, wagging his tail in an optimistic manner.

It had been six years since Goku and Jiren confessed their love for each other, and the Pride Trooper had adjusted to Earth just fine. Surprisingly, the Earthlings were okay with him around and treated him as a normal human being. Goku finally managed to beat Whis in a fight and began sharpening his skills. The Grand Priest came by after Goku defeated his son and stated that if he wished for further training, he would be happy to take him in as a student. Goku decided that once he felt that he was ready, he would train with him. The Saiyan wished to have a quick break from mentors and would rather spar with Jiren for a while, which the Pride Trooper enjoyed immensely. Jiren loved sparring with Goku, not just because he was his mate, but because Goku was the only one that could keep him on his toes and land hits that hurt him (A/N Poor Vegeta!).

Goku noticed that Jiren's personality had changed over the past six years. At first, the Pride Trooper would, at times, be cold, emotionless, and stoic, which caused quite a few fights between the two of them, but eventually, the couple decided that they would be civil when it came to arguments and would talk things out. It was then that Jiren became more caring and loving, but there were times where he would have remnants of his cockiness and pride. Goku's personality had also changed, he became more mature than he was before he met Jiren, as his idiocy would get him into trouble with him quite a bit. Goku soon had a GED (General Education Development) and his intelligence grew massively. He even learned how to cook! However, Goku still retained his child-like innocence most of the time, which Jiren loved. Fortunately, Goku and Jiren didn't experience moments where their love felt like it was dwindling, and they were happy with that fact.

Goku looked irritated as he ran a hand through his silver hair, "Never make me do that again!" Goku asserted, hissing at Jiren.

"Now you know how I feel!" Jiren fired back as Goku turned and began to drink his water. Jiren fixed up his casual clothes and was about to stand up until Goku nestled close to Jiren's neck, his empty cup on the side table neglected. Goku beamed as his silver eyes met Jiren's, who tenderly brushed away some strands of his hair and stroked his tail.

Goku purred slightly and looked up at Jiren, "You're being very affectionate today." Jiren said nothing else and smirked as his Saiyan mate wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him. The Pride Trooper tugged at Goku's hair as he felt the Saiyan's tongue race across his. They both pulled away, a light-pink blush tinting both of their cheeks. Jiren yelped as Goku IT'd both of them to their bedroom, but soon found himself overwhelmed by his mate's lips once again. Jiren closed his eyes and moaned as he leaned back into the pillow and submitted to Goku's touch. This lasted for a few minutes before the Saiyan pulled away and smiled as he pinned him down. The Pride Trooper blushed madly as he realized that he wouldn't be leaving that room anytime soon. Goku and Jiren gave each other a soft smile before resuming the 'fight'.

Confessions-A Goku and Jiren Story-RewrittenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz