Chapter 5: Fallout

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This next chapter was inspired by a story known as 'Goku's Diary' by lone saiyan woman. I highly suggest you check it out (if you're willing to).
Jiren quietly sat on his bed with a book in his hands, quietly humming a tune that his parents had taught him when he was younger (A/N OOC but who cares?!). Goku was out farming for the day and since he wasn't needed in anything Pride Trooper related, Jiren decided to laze around for a bit, which was fitting since him and Goku were doing a lot of training recently and he deserved a break. He wished that Goku would do the same but the Saiyan was too stubborn, saying that the 'crops aren't going to plant themselves'.

Jiren chuckled inwardly as he remembered Goku's reason and closed his book, looking around to see if there was anything he could do in his spare time. His eyes suddenly noticed a small drawer in a cubby left open. Jiren knew well that that drawer was usually locked and the key hidden somewhere safe, Goku had probably forgotten to lock it before leaving the house and it was left unchecked. Jiren jumped off the bed and looked around the cubby for a key to lock it, but in his search his mind was was racing with thoughts as to what was in the drawer. Suddenly, he stopped searching and turned to the drawer, his curiosity getting the better of him as he slowly opened it and found a small notebook. Written on the front with messy handwriting was 'Goku's Diary-GOKU'S EYES ONLY'. Jiren chuckled at the scrawled on words and picked up the book, but his laughter died down quickly as he stared at the book. He was about to open it but soon restrained himself and slapped it shut.

"No! I-I shouldn't." Jiren said to himself, "This is Goku's private diary and I shouldn't pry."

But soon his bond-free thoughts whirled in his head about the things written in Goku's diary and he was getting way too curious for his own good.

"I mean... I suppose a few pages couldn't hurt... right?"

Jiren slowly opened the book and flipped to one page that was from Age 780, the year that the Tournament of Power was held:

Wow! Today was awesome! The Tournament of Power sure lived up to its' name! So many strong fighters and every one of them were unique. It was incredible! Despite the whole 'Universal Survival' as I like to call it, it all ended happily with 17 wishing to restore all the universes. That was what I was planning to wish for once I finished fighting Jiren. Speaking of him... he's so strong! He's from Universe 11 and is part of the... Pride Troopers, I think? If it weren't for him I would've never been able to master my newest technique: Ultra Instinct! Now my main goal is to regain it and incorporate it into my arsenal. Intense training, here I come!


Jiren smiled slightly at the praise given to him by Goku in book form and admired his dedication. Most of the next few pages talked about his training to master Ultra Instinct and a fight with a certain Saiyan on the Ice Continent. The Pride Trooper flipped through the pages and his eyes widened as he saw one dated just yesterday:

Jiren thinks I'm working because I need to earn money... well, it's not just that. Jiren is the best person I could have as a mate... he is extremely strong in both mind and body and he makes me yearn for more. I leave him because if I don't, I would yearn for more than just kissing. He is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I want to savour every moment I have with him...

Jiren blushed harder than he had ever blushed before as he knew exactly what he was implying in this page and looked up to get a breather. Now he understood why Goku always left the house early in the day and came back just before dinner, he wanted more from him, but he chose to not let that consume his emotions and responsibilities. But the fact that Goku spoke about him so positively and happily made him slightly regret this decision to read this, but read it he did:

Confessions-A Goku and Jiren Story-RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now