Origins [1]

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The gentle glow of the city shone inside the small droplets screaming towards a large tuft of forest green hair. Small sniffles, accompanied by large tears streaming down a boys face were drowned out by the gentle banging of rain against the tin roofs surrounding him. Despite what had he had previously witnessed, he didn't want to disappoint his mother and let her down. For this, he continued his trek through the city. A pair of red sneakers stopped in front of the small boy. He looked up to see a face covered by a large gloved hand, light periwinkle hair cascading down his forehead. The slight man crouched down to get on eye level with the distraught boy.

"What's your name?"

"M-Midoriya Izuku." He croaked out.

"How old are you?" The man bluntly asked.


"Well, let's get you somewhere dry."

A black portal, streaked with deep purple, suddenly appeared and the blue haired man took the green freckled boy through. Midoriya was brought to a hallway off of a dark and narrow alleyway. Although he didn't trust the two men that brought him here, he didn't have much of a choice. As they walked through to the end of the hallway, he couldn't help but feel a sort of fear that he couldn't quite shake. He knew that wherever he was, wasn't somewhere he should be, but he had no way of knowing what would happen if he tried to run. So he continued down the pathway to a room branching off of the seemingly endless hallway.

A dim light barely illuminated the room, and a humanoid figure with a head made of purple and black mist, identical to the portal that brought them here, was standing behind a small bar, cleaning a few glasses. He looked at the boy briefly, before switching his gaze to the blue haired man.

"Will he be sufficient enough, Shigaraki Tomura?" The man behind the bar questioned.

"Well, he should be." Shigaraki responded. "Besides, he kinda just fell right into our laps. Boss doesn't really get a choice in who we're able to find, Kurogiri." The man behind the bar, now known as Kurogiri, nodded in affirmation.

"So, kid, what happened?" Shigaraki casually asked, sitting down on the bar stool closest.

Midoriya began explaining how his mother was murdered mercilessly by a group of low life villains. He explained how she had told him to leave, to get out of there as fast as possible and run as far as he could. He told them of his determination to avenge his mother, and make sure that the villains didn't get away with what they put him and his mother through. During the entire story, both men in the room glanced at each other with the same grin plastered on their faces. Kurogiri was the first to speak.

"Say, if we said that we could help you, would you pledge yourself to our organisation?"

"It depends. What does your organisation do?" Midoriya questioned.

Kurogiri seemed taken aback by the question. "We... uh." He hesitated, carefully choosing his next few words. "We strive to make the world a better, easier place. We strive to rid the world of the filthy scum that are so determined on making our lives miserable." He looked to Shigaraki, satisfied with his response. Shigaraki only smirked maliciously at his misty headed colleague.

"So, will you join us?"

Midoriya looked up from the floor, determination in his eyes.


Word Count: 581

Hope you enjoyed it, sorry it's a bit short, the others won't be this short I promise.


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