ST [2]

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Midoriya stared longingly at the couple sitting on the wooden bench, hands entangled in one another's, content smiles plastered on their faces.

'Why can't I have that?' Midoriya thought to himself as he broke his gaze off of the couple. 'Why am I the only one who hasn't found their soulmate yet? Hell, even goddamn Kurogiri found his soulmate. So why am I the only one?' Without warning, Midoriya felt the familiar prick of tears form in his eyes. He pulled down his sleeve to wipe away the hot liquid before it fell down his face.

Deciding that he'd had enough, he turned to leave. As he turned, his eye caught onto a bright bloom of red and white hair. He stopped to get a closer look at the figure that caught his attention. As he walked closer, he noticed tears streaking the soft looking face of a boy who looked to be around Midoriya's age. Before he could stop the boy to talk to him, he was greeted by a taller girl with white hair streaked with a few red patches. They looked oddly similar, so Midoriya assumed they were siblings. He still couldn't help but feel small pricks in his chest every time he snuck a glance at the dual haired boy. After a few minutes of staring blankly at the empty space, he left to go back to the headquarters for the league of villains.

It's true. As a child, Midoriya idolised heroes, but after none of them came to save him and his mother, or even stop him on the street to see if he was okay when he ran away from the crime scene of his mothers brutal murder. This fact had plagued his mind for the past five years. It was the sole idea that no one, no matter how 'good' everyone perceived them to be, even bothered looking for him, that kept him up into the early hours of the morning. It was one of the many reasons that he had decided to take up the offer to join the League of Villains. That, and that he was a young, defenceless child, with nowhere to go, no one to call family and an ever growing determination to make his mother proud of him and make sure that no one else was left alone in this cruel, ugly world.

As he entered the dark, damp hallway of the place he had learned to call home, he noticed that it was rather quiet. Too quiet. He cautiously backed against the wall as he took out his hunting knives, one in each hand. He would never use them to kill anyone, just enough to wound them so they were immobilised. He swiftly held his daggers up in his fighting stance as he turned into the all too familiar bar to be greeted by Kurogiri quietly wiping the glasses behind the bar as usual. Midoriya relaxed and put away his trusty knives, taking a seat at one of the bar stools. The purple and black misted figure stared up at the green haired boy quizzically.

"I thought something was up 'cause it was super quiet." Midoriya shrugged, answering the silent question. Kurogiri gave a quick nod and went back to what he was doing.

"So, the boss wants us to check out UA tomorrow. Classes started a couple days ago and we've gotten intel that All Might will be teaching a lesson at a remote training facility." Kurogiri explained, "care to join us?"

"Yeah, why not. Got nothing better to do." Midoriya shrugged, observing his knife in his hands. Kurogiri gave another nod in affirmation.

'I wonder if that boy I saw today is apart of UA?' Midoriya thought quietly, without realising that a small smile was creeping itself onto his face. This did not go unnoticed by Kurogiri.

"So, any progress with your soulmate?" Kurogiri questioned fondly.

"Yeah, I dunno. I saw a kid today that gave me some funny feelings in my stomach, and I felt tears coming into my eyes before I saw him, and when I looked at him, he was also crying. It's probably just a coincidence. But, I can't shake the feeling that it could be something more." He said with his chin on top of the backs of his hands, staring straight at the figure behind the bar. He quickly looked down in sadness as a thought crossed his mind. "It's probably me just being the desperate Deku I am."

"Well, you can never lose hope until there's none left, and I'd say that you've still got hope, young Midoriya." Kurogiri reassured him. Izuku smiled softly, and just nodded in a thank you as he left for his room.

He stayed lying on top of his bed for what seemed like hours, until, he felt a small, cold prickle on his inner wrist. He thought he was imagining it, but sure enough, as he looked down at the inside of his wrist, there was a few black letters being drawn. Midoriya's heart skipped a beat as he rapidly sat up on his bed.

'It's them! It's actually them!' He was almost jumping for joy as he ran around trying to find a pen or marker to reply. After much sorting to find the stationary item, he finally sat back down on his bed and looked to his wrist.

'Hello? You're probably not real, but if you are, I could use a soulmate.' The anonymous soulmate wrote.

'Hi. Don't worry, I'm real, I hope. I could really use a soulmate too.' Midoriya giddily replied.

'Oh, ok. Hi, I guess you are real. I never really thought you would be.' The anonymous soulmate answered. Midoriya couldn't fully tell what emotion was suppose to be portrayed in the last comment, but he didn't really care. All that was passing through his mind was, 'I have a soulmate.'

'Can I ask your name? I don't wanna just call you, my soulmate, for the rest of my life.' Izuku asked.

'Oh, can i give you my initials?' Izuku's soulmate asked.

"Of course, mine are IM, by the way.' Midoriya smiled.

'Mine are ST.' ST replied.

'We're kinda running out of room here. I'll try and talk to you once I've washed off the marker.' Izuku explained as he struggled to write the sentence on his shoulder, hoping that ST could read it. As he slouched back down in his bed, he kept on observing the messages that were sent back and forth between his soulmate. He ended up reading them over almost ten times, falling asleep with a small smile planted on his sleeping face.

Word Count: 1110

Hope you enjoyed, I have a plan for the next few chapters, and I'm really proud of said plan.


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