The Sports Festival [6]

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A cold breeze shot through each green lock of Midoriya's hair as the familiar black and purple laced portal manifested in front of the boy. He shared a quick glance with the mist-headed figure behind the bar, and gave a nod before giving his full attention to the portal in front of him. He stepped through quickly to reveal a dank alleyway. The portal closed as he went through, giving him the opportunity to search his area. The alley was dark and sketchy. Overflowing bins littered the side walls and the little light that managed to squeeze its way through, only illuminated a very small portion of the floor. It was enough for Midoriya to find his way out however, so he didn't really pay much mind to it.

Once he made his way out of the narrow alleyway, a bright glare shone down and blinded him, almost screaming at him to retreat, however he pushed forward, finally making his way to the entrance of the festival grounds. He took out the ticket he was given from his dark jacket pocket and presented it to the ticket master. The ticket master looked him over for a solid minute before allowing him entrance. As the greenette made his way inside, he released a long, deep breath he had failed to realise he was holding.

Pulling his black hoodie over his head to conceal himself, Midoriya travelled through the extensive halls leading him to his seating area. As he passed through the hallway, a rough and heavy shoulder knocked against his own. He looked up aggressively only to come face to face with the one and only, Katsuki Bakugo. A light smirk crossed over his lips faster than the speed of light.

Bakugo was forced to double take the dark hooded figure he had knocked passed after seeing a flash of green coloured locks stick out of the sides of the hoodie. A confused and even, concerned, expression appeared on his face as he stared at the figure in front of him. The world around the two seemed to slow down as they continued to stare at one another, until, the shock finally renounced itself and allowed the blond to speak.

"Deku?!" An almost indecipherable mutter escaped the angry teen, however, it was not quiet enough for Midoriya to miss. A somewhat dark look wound itself onto the greenette face as he responded.

"Hello Kacchan! Fancy seeing you here." The boys cheery voice didn't quite match his bitter expression, none the less, he continued, "So, how is it? To have your dreams come true, that is. Was it worth it? Was it worth it, Kacchan? To hurt someone so much, for so long that they just, snapped? For what? So you could play hero?" As the boys tone and expression grew colder and angrier, his steps grew closer and closer, until he was barely a centimetre away from the explosive blond. "Oh, Kacchan, you and I both know you were never the hero of this story, so why should you be now?" With that, Midoriya left the very confused and even intimidated Bakugo in the middle of the hall, crowded by obliviously    innocent civilians.

The newly found encounter with the forest haired boys childhood 'friend' surely put a damper on his day, but was nothing compared to the inner storm he would feel later on in the event.


Finally finding his assigned seating area, Midoriya eagerly sank into the chair provided. He quickly gathered his notebook and pen, ready to take down anything he could on the new heroes in training. He had already accumulated a plethora of information on the class from the attack his group had staged earlier that month, giving him a head start.

Before long, the freckled boy was drawn out of his thoughts as he heard obnoxious cheering and screams engulf him. The announcer had gone off, stating each class that came out of the gargantuan doors leading into the grassed arena, until finally, the class he had been patiently waiting for, and secretly dreading.

"ALRIGHT! THE CLASS YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! THE ONE, THE ONLY, CLAAS OONE AAAAAA!" The moment the announcer had finished his overly exaggerated and elongated speech, the crowd went up in roars of excitement. Screams, whistles and hollers echoed in every which way. Surprisingly however. Midoriya felt a sense of, what he had identified as, comfort and belonging. Almost as though this were his element, this was were he belonged. Not in the crowd, cheering on the heroes, but rather, being on the flip side of the conversation. Being the hero the people adore and cheer for, not the villain constantly ridiculed and scorned, feared and ignored.

The boys mind immediately turned to his 'conversation' with Bakugo.

'Oh, Kacchan, you and I both know you were never the hero of this story, so why should you be now?'

What did he mean by that? Why would he say Bakugo wasn't the hero of their story. Was it that he was resentful of the fact that Bakugo had achieved his dreams without consequences of his actions from their childhood? Or was it something deeper? Was it really, that Midoriya still wanted to be the hero he was told he couldn't be? Was it that the hero Bakugo shut down and drove away still lingered on, even after all these years?

The greenette's train of thought was soon whisked away by a sudden flash of red and white, as he noticed the one person he was dreading to see the most. Suddenly, thousands of emotions crashed down onto his mind as he stared at the half and half boy in the middle of the crowd of students. Sound slowly faded from the boys world as his heart began to squeeze. Small pricks of salty water became present in his water line and glossed over his visible eyes.

Quickly, Midoriya closed his eyes in a successful attempt to draw back the hot tears threatening to spill. He began pushing his mind to clear of any and all thoughts before focusing on his breathing. When that didn't work, he reverted to counting to and from ten whilst taking in long, deep, rhythmic breaths.


Breathe and out


Breathe and out


Breathe and out


Breathe and out


Breathe and out


Breathe and out


Breathe and out


Breathe and out


Breathe and out


Breathe and out

After what felt like hours, the forest haired boy was finally calmed down. He subtly dabbed at his eyes to remove any remainder of tears before he noticed a pair of stone cold eyes glaring into his very soul. His breath hitched yet again before a panicked look took over his face. However, before he was pulled back into his unrelenting thoughts, he noticed what others would have likely missed.

The outwardly cold and uncaring eyes held something he had not seen before.


Word Count: 1163


Sorry, the chapter deleted so I had to re-write it. On happier news, I'm on holidays, so I might end up posting more often. No promises though.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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