Attack On USJ [3]

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Izuku woke up to the loud clash of pans smashing together. He sat up with a start and swiftly turned his head to glare at the intruder. Shigaraki only grinned mischievously at the misfortune of the teenager. Before he could even respond, Midoriya back hand slapped him right across the face. Pain rushed to the area of impact as his hand reached up to touch the now red mark. Midoriya only laughed at the new mark on his face.

"Oi, I was only waking you so we could leave to kick some kids asses." Shigaraki angrily clutched his face. Midoriya groans and quickly shoves the blue haired man out of his room. He quickly pulls his long sleeve white blouse, black vest, black tie and black business pants. Overall, he had a very formal aesthetic, it made him seem older, and cooler. If he was to commit a crime, why not do it with class.

The moment Midoriya entered the all too familiar bar, Kurogiri immediately noticed the strange black letters littering his entire arm. He gave a quick smirk towards the green haired boy. A silent conversation was shared between the two, as Midoriya began to blush profusely. Soon after they had gathered all the thugs and minions they could to distract the students, they left for the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or, USJ. Despite how many times he did it, going through one of Kurogiri's portals always seemed to put him off. The whole concept of walking into an abyss and ending up somewhere miles from where you started, just shocked his body and mind.

Midoriya stepped through to be greeted with a large open space next to a water fountain inside of an even larger dome shaped building. A gargantuas amount of steps came before the portal, and standing atop the stairs, was a group of teenagers who looked to be Midoriya's age. Among these teenagers was a familiar looking mop of half red and white hair, split straight down the middle. Upon seeing the bi coloured hair, Midoriya gasped softly. He felt small tingles in is chest as he spotted black lettering identical to the words on his own arm. Before he could even think, he turned to Shigaraki and Kurogiri and whispered.

"Don't harm the kid with half red and white hair. I think he's my soulmate." Before turning back to face the crowd.

Suddenly, an angry looking man with long, black, flowing hair came charging down towards where the villains had gathered. A few took off to their assigned positions, whereas the best and brightest stayed in the centre to take on All Might. Kurogiri rushed off to carry out his mission of separating the students, and Midoriya stayed to help fight against the man bounding towards them. Upon closer inspection, he realised that the man racing to fight them off, was none other than the pro hero, Eraser Head.

'This would be an interesting battle.'

Midoriya swiftly whipped out his trusty knives, one in each hand as he prepared to defend himself. Eraser head however, paid no attention to him or the other villains, focusing all of his attention to Shigaraki and the Nomu. Midoriya didn't end up having to do much, as the Nomu seemed to have the situation under control, and when it didn't, Shigaraki wasn't afraid to slap his hand on someone's face, or elbow. Midoriya looked on, bored with all the repetitive screaming of the weaklings. He frowned and continued to stare from the sidelines.

A bright flash of white and red hair suddenly caught Midoriya's eye. He turned his gaze to meet the bright heterochromatic eyes of the boy he saw the other day. His stare left the eyes of the boy and travelled down his arm, black words littered his arm looked down to find identical black words littering this own arm.

'Oh my god. It's him.' Midoriya's eyes widened in surprise.

'Oh my god. This cant be him! He's a villain?!' Todoroki stared, gobsmacked at the sudden development.

Midoriya was the first to speak. "S-so you're them, aren't you?" He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously, not expecting to be face to face with his soulmate so soon. The white and red haired boy only nodded.

"What made you like this? You were so sweet when we spoke, I just." He breathed, hesitating before continuing, "I just didn't expect you to be a villain." Midoriya seemed taken aback by this comment, he never really saw himself as a villain, he never did anything villainous, he only conspired with villains.

"I understand that it's a bit of a shock. I didn't expect to see you so soon, I can only hope you don't despise of me because of my association with the League of Villains." After skilfully dodging talking about his past, he turned abruptly to leave and help out some of the other villains. Before he could leave, he felt an intense pair of eyes staring holes into the back of his head. He knew that it was a mistake coming along today, but he also knew that it would be a mistake to get on Shigaraki's bad side.

Drawing his knives out from their sheaths, he stood in an attack position next to Shigaraki. A loud 'BOOM!' was hear, as dust and smoke billowed out from the entrance to the dome. As the smoke began to disperse, at least fifteen different heroes were seen standing in dramatic positions.

"Damnit, and here I thought we'd get a little fun out of this." Shigaraki sighed, turning around to leave.

Midoriya soon caught on with what the blue haired villain was doing and placed his blades back in there scabbards. Before he left he caught a last glimpse of peppermint coloured hair. Quietly frowning as he looked up to meet a pair of familiar heterochromatic eyes. The two stared at the other, one pair of grey and blue orbs, overflowing with shock and betrayal, the other radiating guilt and anxiety. Just as Midoriya left through the portal, a singular tear came rolling down his face.

'I finally found him, and now he knows I'm a villain. He hates me, he looked so betrayed, so helpless, so sad. I don't want him to be sad, especially not at my hands. What have I done?'

Small tears escaped the boys already glassy eyes and streamed down his freckled cheeks, as he ran off to his room to wallow in his stupidity.

Word Count: 1105


Hope you enjoyed it, I don't mind if you didn't. Sorry, it was a short chapter. I originally wrote something way longer for this chapter, but then I realised that I could be super cruel and do this instead. So my plans changed around, but I like the new ones more. Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter, it's gonna be a bonus for Bakugo's Birthday on the 20th (tomorrow).


Black Letters, Black SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora