I Love You, Idiot (Bakugo Birthday Bonus)

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So, before we begin, I just want to let you know that this chapter will have absolutely nothing to do with the actual story line, I just really wanted to do something for Bakugo's Birthday today. So this will be KiriBaku, because I love this ship so goddamn much. If you aren't interested in KiriBaku fluff, I suggest you ignore this chapter.

Anyway, hope it's not the complete and utter shit that I think it is!

Kirishima's POV:

Patchy light escaped through my curtains and hit my face, as I begrudgingly awoke from my dream. Almost a minute after I was gently awakened by the sun, I jumped to my feet and ran around my room, trying to get all my gear together. Today Bakugo promised that he would train with me. I knew that I needed to get better at my fighting skills and I also knew that Bakugo was the best fighter in our class. To my surprise he ended up accepting my offer, and as you might have guessed, I was ecstatic. Soon I was finished getting ready and quickly rushed out of the house with a muesli bar in hand.

The directions Bakugo had sent me the night before lead me to an abandoned looking oval. There were faint yellow and white paint marks on the ground, signifying the try lines and sections of the field. The dry looking dirt covered the entire expanse of the field and large poles with loose, torn padding surrounding them were positioned on either end of the oval. A long conga line of logs outlined the area of the field, and as my eyes drifted over them, I noticed an all too familiar explosion of ash blonde hair. I bolted over to my training partner and plonked my bag next to him to draw his attention. He jumped slightly at the loud 'THUD!' my bag emitted as it hit the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK SHITTY HAIR?" Bakugo screamed at me. By now I knew not to take anything he screamed at me to heart, so in response I just laughed lightly.

"Sup, Bakubro, how's it hangin'?" I gave him a toothy grin, showing off my sharp, shark teeth. I felt a light shove on my shoulder and saw Bakugo walking across to the field, I could have sworn I saw a smile just now, probably just my imagination. I followed behind him to the middle of the oval and took a fighting stance.

~A Time Skip Brought To You By Me Being Lazy And Not Being Bothered To Write A Training Scene~

After a few good pointers from Bakugo, we began the match. He soon got frustrated by something I was doing wrong and came angrily stalking towards me. He soon was right in front of me and placed his hand on my shoulders and adjusted them whilst then kicking my feet back so my legs were a bit further apart. He continued adjusting my stance, each time his skin came in contact with mine, I could feel my face get hotter and hotter, until eventually my entire face was as red as my hair. He pulled back and noticed how red my face was. I saw an small blush reach over his cheeks.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO RED?" He yelled, he didn't have an angry tone or face though, so I knew that he was just confused. I looked down at the ground and smiled quietly to myself. 

"We've been working super hard, lets take a break." I suggested with a close eyed smile.

"Tsk, sure, whatever." Bakugo grunted in response.

As we walked back to the logs, I noticed that Bakugo had a small smile and a pink blush reaching across his face. I too, smiled at the adorable sight. Soon we arrived at the logs and sat right next to each other. I took a few sips of my water and he just sat there, playing with his explosive hands.

"Im gonna go practice. You can come if you want." He offered standing up and walking back to the oval.

"Oh, no, that's okay." I replied taking another sip from my bottle.

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