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Lay down my love,
Lay down on the soft sand and feel the rays of gold stroke your glittering skin.
Close your eyes, my dear,
Listen to the whisper of the warm waves, as the stars wheel about in their heavenly array.
Unseen, but there all the same.

Feel the wind envelope you my love,
Breathe in and let it free your mind.
And see how it makes the leaves fly,
How it makes the kites dance,
The boats sail and the waves run.
Watch as the trees quake in its powerful gaze.
But see too how it holds you close,
How you were born to soar upon the wings of the wind,
And listen to its whisper,
Listen to the voices of the lost souls,
forever free with the wind,
For the truth is there my love,
Hidden in the wind,
Listen as it tells you the secrets you were born to find,
secrets of the universe.

And tell them to me,
under the light of a watchful moon tell me the secrets i long to hear,
Let me listen to your gentle voice sing as i fall asleep,
and let the waves lap against the shore while the pebbles roll in the white horses' spray.
Let me rest my head on your beating heart
Let its melody flow into my dreams
as my mind drifts away into a world beyond,
Let me feel your presence beside me, so i know it is safe to go on,
As though it is beautiful, this new world is unknown to me yet and my heart is unsure
Help me journey through this forbidden life that i long for,
Let me travel through this strange new world to where, i don't know
but I will discover with time's illusions
Let the questions i am burdened with be answered at last by the mysteries yet untold to me in my venture,
Let the truth become closer with every step i print in the overgrown path
For what is infinity to the soul after the many lives it lives, the many worlds it sees, the many things it learns.

We are made of stardust my love,
The beautiful explosion of a dying star in its last breath,
creating the very atoms in you and me
Not from nothing to nothing,
But the story in between,
For we are made of stardust my love,
and into stardust, we shall descend.

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