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She was a ferocious kind of pretty
The kind of pretty that made her look so delicate
Yet if you tried to break her,
you would only end up breaking yourself
And just from the way she walked,
You could tell
She was the type that would only fall apart from her own mistakes,
Nothing holding her back
The world at her feet, and it didn't even know it
And she had this intelligence that made her eyes spark
Like flames, passionate,
so intensely passionate
But powerful.
Yet there was something under;
A heart so guarded nothing could get in,
or out
What light hid in there
you wondered
It was a fortress
No, an empire
Not a crack in the armour
- that you could see -
Or maybe there were, underneath
Maybe that's why she hides in that castle
Not a damsel in distress though,
But a queen
Entirely her own, complete
But missing, incomplete, something not quite there;
The way her eyes flickered
Dancing across people
Searching? Or afraid

And you knew, against your heart you knew
Despite anything
You would follow her to the ends of the earth,
as though the crowds weren't even there
Because although she would never let herself fall for anything,
Although she would never see it,
You had fallen for her
Like an angel, plummeting from the sky
Oblivious to yourself, but only her
Looking through the glass
Looking through the crowds
Looking through your heart

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