Christmas memory

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The lights twinkled over the bustle of the Christmas shoppers, rushing to get last minuet gifts. Glimpses of festive colours and foods flashed between the thick coats and fluffy scarfs of lovers, huddled for warmth, while skaters danced by.

Merry hymns drifted from the tinsel-wrapped speakers as laughter and scents of nutmeg bubbled through the crowds and stallers called their wares to onlookers.

Childrens bright red mittens huddled around milky hot chocolates, occasionally separated from the brown warmth to explore soft fabrics and shining decorations in stalls.

The gentle tumble of snowflakes, coming to rest on the silhouetted buildings inside a snow globe, caught my eye. It lay hidden from view to most, resting on the top of a wooden shelf in the corner of a snug, cabin shop, filled with brightly coloured toys.

I moved towards it, pressing through the hordes of exited children and I felt my smile match the grins of giddy lovers as I reached it; it was perfect for her.

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