The dark us

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I remember

When we were young

We used to fear the dark
We used to fear the monsters under the bed
Unaware that these monsters were inside our head
Unaware that the monsters we feared were
For what is the difference between the fear of the unknown,
and the fear of yourself.
Between the fear of the dark,
and the fear of the truth.

For good and evil were first brought about by words and thoughts
Far before actions
Not Cain and Abel's
But Genesis
The war between dark and light
Had already torn the sky;
in the beginning...
Oh simple story, too cruel that was lost in mindless words of dusty, cracked prophesees

Before what they did to you,
Before they made you wish they never met
Because you learnt that the emptiness was so much better to bear when you didn't even know it was there.

But now you are a monster.
A beautiful monster.
Now you have become a heartless,
Cold creature.
And that is what
Makes you

Now you become goddess of pain.
Feeding on the comforting hunger that embraces you
Maybe now,
the emptiness of the bullet holes they left in your heart will finally make some sense.

Now you are the one shooting yourself
Now the holes are yours.
For how else do you plant seeds?
And those seeds will become vines
Whether their tendrils
And strangle your veins
Or become wisteria,
Thick branches
Beautiful purple petals
Chinks in your armour skin
How beautiful and
your soul has become by their whip serpent tounges

But you know
                    And they, don't

The normal have no idea how beautiful
the darkness is
And that the rutted claw marks left on your heart
are on theirs too.
But they don't know
And you do
How much harder the emptiness in those
Ruts is too bear when you cannot forget it's there
So you wrap the chains they imprisoned you with
Around your withered, dripping essence
Tank tracks across the dim light of your fading core

Now we become the moon,
That they depend on
With their monster secrets to keep
We are the solitary,
Left to always chase refuge
But forced guide the others below,
So tired of running
And round
No where but hells great caverns will take us
So we hid our scars
Painted them with the enemies blood that dripped from our chains
And decorated our skin,
Carving the deepest whispered secrets of the
souls in the night
That are
Just like us,
Into marred craters of our past

And we will watch
While the ones who taunted us carve their own holes too,

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