The eye of the storm

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And I was walking away
but the sun came and tapped on my back,
So I turned around and there was you
I remember the cold warmth,
Your smile still fills my head now
That dark knowing smile.
How naïve I was
To not love you,
But to love us

For loving you would have only broken half of my heart
Only half would be destroyed
And I could find another broken
To mend each another
We could sow together our half broken hearts
And the jigsaw, a myriad of mismatching, disjointed pasts,
though not one picture, might fit
Few missing pieces,
but we might fit
But of course there was you
Bitter sweet you
My silhouette

And I remember saying how beautiful the rose was
But what did you say to me?
And I do
"As beautiful as they are,
their thorns may hurt you"
Do you?
With those
Piercing eyes
How did I not feel them then?
Daggers in my destroyed heart
Keep it.
I am hollow now
Not part of me anymore
It is what I was,

For nothing hurts more
Than finding out that the person you'd take a bullet for
Is the one pulling the trigger

So now I am alone
Now I am the questions
I am exhaustion and the pain
Now I am the darkness and
the whispers

For who could love a heartless ghost
I am nothing but water
I am nothing but the vast empty sea
I am nothing but

And I learned then that heat and beauty are two different things
For my eyes were burned by the sun
So I could never quite see you
And so from the beginning my heart would have always been burned by you
Leaving a scar of what was to be
But never to be you

You can have my tears
Keep them as your souvenir
of us
Let them be yours
Brokenly yours
But I'm a tornado
Tearing up the sky
And you
Are in my path.

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