Job Interview

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Beam's POV

Am I really doing the right thing? I grip the steering wheel of my car tightly and breathe the fresh air that blows through the open window of the car.

"You're absolutely crazy, Beam!" I hear the voice of my best friend Kit in my head. "You're wasting your holiday just for this one story." Maybe I'm crazy, but you must take every chance to get a good story. This's just part of the journalist's job. And this ominous SM Circle is a good story, which is guaranteed to push up the circulation of the newspaper. For that, I gladly sacrifice my precious free time.

Slowly I steer my car over the gravel path. Stones crunching under the wheels - an unnaturally loud noise in the otherwise silent forest. The noise tugs at my nerves. High trees grow on both sides of the path and block the morning sun. Mist rising from the nearby river whales across the ground. This mysterious, almost ominous mood makes my heart beat excitedly in my chest. Kit is the only one who knows about my plan and current whereabouts. We have agreed that I'll call him every two hours, otherwise he calls the police.

I learn about the SM Circle by accident. A friendly police officer, as a journalist it's a must to have contacts everywhere, reported about it while we were drinking beer. In this forest several times a man with several naked women and men was spotted, who had sex. At the present time this would not be special, but according to my acquaintance, the man, the so-called Master, makes his slaves so obedient that they would do anything for him. All thanks to his abilities: his capable hands, the pleasurable tortures, his strict rules, the perfect submission. However, he also demands consideration, which is not always legal. My acquaintance also mentioned where to find this Master - in a villa-like house in this forest and on Google Earth I could only find this one building that fits the description from which I'm right now only a few hundred meters away.

I check my appearance again in the rear-view mirror. Pale skin with flushed cheeks due to nervousness, big expressive eyes, full, pink lips. My black, silky hair is styled out of the face, as a Dom must always be able to read the facial expressions of his slaves if I can believe the statements of the Internet.
Apart from my article, this kind of lust interests me and I do not dispute that I have thought several times about exploring this kind of sex more closely. However, I would like to explore this world with a partner for whom I have real feelings, someone whom I can fully trust. I can't imagine doing this with any kind of partner. For the success of my story, of course, I have to make an exception. My plan is simple. I have to infiltrate the SM Circle to be able to sound the slaves out for my story. Having sex with the foreign Master can't be excluded, although I hope that it will not happen.

"It's just a job, just a job. No need to be nervous, after all, you were a player in your youth." I mumble to push me courage. I breathe deeply again, then get out of my car and move towards the house. In front of me towers the big bright mansion of the Master. Okay, Beam, do you really want that? You can still cancel it!

Forth's POV

I leave the shower dripping wet and wipe the steam from the mirror over the sink. The last nights have been damn long and exhausting for me. The three days beard and the shadows under my eyes make me look tired and drained. For days I haven't slept properly because so many things are in my mind. The whole case is like a never-ending story and my mood is accordingly bad. I grab a towel and rubble over my dark brown hair until they stick out in all directions. In this noble house with the marble bath, the high, stylishly furnished rooms and the luxury car in the driveway I feel completely strange - which also doesn't improve my mood. I just want to reach for the razor when I hear a knock on the front door.
Who could it be? I do not expect anyone.
Quickly I get my gun out of the chest holster, lying on a chair next to the shower, wrap a towel around my waist and run down the stairs. Through the frosted glass, the silhouette of a man can be seen. I keep the Glock hidden behind my back and open the door. "Yes, please?"

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