Hunter Association Rehabilitation Center

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The clock on the wall was ticking ever so slowly; but that was normal behind these four white walls of the Hunter Association Rehabilitation Center for Level E's. The professor of this particular class, social interaction, droned on and on in the center of the circle of chairs filled with Level E's chained to them. Except one young silver-haired teen. Zero Kiryuu.

Zero had yet to become one of these vile, incoherent creatures; but his foster father, one of the best Hunters known to man, Kaien Cross, wanted to enter Zero into the center before he had a chance to drop to Level E. The ex-human didn't exactly go willingly to this place; being away from his love, Kaname Kuran, wasn't so appealing in any situation. However...

"Zero," the pureblood prince whispered, as he captured Zero's lilac gaze with his own burning sienna as a hand delicately caressed the Hunter's cheek, "I realize that this will be hard on you; on both of us." Kaname narrowed his eyes, "But I cannot risk losing you altogether. Understand?"

Zero drew in a shallow breath before leaning his head into the prince's touch, "Yes; I do, Kaname. I just..." There was understanding silence that met his statement. "6 months... that's..." "I will come to visit you, Zero; we all will. You will not be alone."

Zero slowly opened his eyes as the noon bell rang throughout the center, signaling feeding and visiting hour. Despite his built up excitement at seeing Kaname at this hour, the prefect was still collecting his notebook and pencil, slipping them into his shoulder bag as the last of the Level E's were led out of the room by a Hunter. Zero was generally kept under close watch, but left on his own most of the time.

"Zero." A call of his named snapped said teen out of his reverie as he shouldered his bag, turning to the professor, Claudia Heights. "Yes, Professor Heights?" The slender woman of 37 stood up and, out of her white lab coat, pulled out a white bottle of pills and tossed them to Zero. "You left your medication in here yesterday, Zero." He caught the bottle with ease, his brow furrowing in a frown as he read the name on the bottle: Vampicyian. A common medication used in controlling a vampire's thirst for human blood.

He turned away from the teacher and slipped the prescription in his bag, "Thanks." Then exited the room heading for the mess hall.


"My lovely Zero; please do not look so gloomy." A playful smirk crossed Kaname's lips as he watched Zero approach their usual table in the hall. Zero gave a scoff when he got to the table and dropped his bag on the ground; promptly followed by capturing the pureblood's lips in a searing kiss. The prince purred in pleasure, reaching a hand up to tangle in Zero's silver locks, and his free arm to wrap around the Hunter's back and pull him down onto his lap. Zero let out a soft gasp of surprise, and that's when Kaname's mischievous tongue took its chance and slithered its way inside of the Level D's warm cavern; re-memorizing every crevice that had been explored many a times before.

Finally, Zero pulled away, placing both of his hands on Kaname's face, "Now, Kuran - remember what happened the last time I allowed you to eat my face?" A smirk graced his pale features as the prince gave a warm chuckle in his chest. "Hm... I suppose I do recall. However," he ran his hands slowly up and down Zero's thighs in his faded jeans, "I just cannot contain myself..." his voice then dropped down to a whisper as he leaned forward to Zero's ear, "you're just simply too delicious."

Zero bit down on his bottom lip, attempting to bite back a moan, and whispered, "Not here. Are you taking me home tonight?" Kaname pulled away from Zero's ear, reaching around him to grab his glass of blood wine, "Well; it is the weekend." His deep eyes flickered up to meet the prefect's lavender, "So, what do you think?"

The ex-human slipped off of the prince's lap, and took his seat across the table, taking a sip of his own blood concoction. "Great. When rehab classes are over at 2-" "I will be waiting for you, Zero." Kaname promised. Zero smiled slightly, "Yes. I know," his soft gaze lowered to his drink, "You always are."

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