Chapter 6: Recovery

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I always believed I was never going to be happy again. My negative mentality turned into something I lived by. I struggled with mental health issues for over 5 years and as soon as I was about to give up, I felt something within me telling me not too. My recovery was, and still is, a very long process. Some days are really good and some days are really bad. Things started to look up for me around September of 2018. I started my last year of high school and I started making a lot of new friends. I started seeing a social worker and she has helped me increasingly through my entire process of recovery. I stopped drinking, doing drugs, having sex, self harming, eating wrongfully, and having suicidal thoughts.

I want you guys to all understand that recovery is possible. You need to remember that to become better, you must have the mindset to become better. Days will be hard still. You may even still have days where depression takes you over and that's okay because it's the process of recovery. Recovery isn't a straight line, it's a rollercoaster of emotions. You're all capable of becoming happy. You're all capable of feeling worthy, and loved and cherished. You are all incredibly beautiful people who have high potential in life. I believe in you all and I believe you can conquer the illness you are facing. Remember that you do have a purpose and it's okay if you haven't found that yet; but you will. Life will throw unexpected problems at you at really unexpected times but that's what makes life challenging. You were placed on earth for a reason and I hope you one day come to realize how much you're actually worth. Recovery takes dedication, determination, and strength. Reach out. Talk to a parent, a teacher, a close friend, a relative, a sibling, a neighbour. There are people all around u willing to listen. If you ever need somebody to talk too private message me - I am more then happy to let you vent. Remember that it's okay to not be okay and you should never feel ashamed. You aren't perfect and that's okay because nobody is. Our flaws make us who we are - learn to love and accept them. It takes time my love, but in the end you'll be grateful you were so patient.

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