hi ♡

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hey, guys. ♡

i've been feeling really insecure about my writing lately, so i decided i'd try and make things better for me.

i'm going to start this book over.

making this book, i felt a little forced because it was all people wanted. i didn't have motivation, i kind of hated this book and the single thought of writing in it.

but after a while of thinking, i figured i'd just start over. writing has always been something i've loved to do, and i don't feel like giving up on it yet.

i'll do my best to update as much as possible, but as you know me, things seem to always have to be perfect.

i'm not gonna hold back this time, and i'm going to start putting my heart into my work. thank you for those who support me and have been here this whole time.

i appreciate and love all of you. ♡


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