Chapter two...Meetings

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   Benny sighed as he carried Emmet back to the hideout. Thoughts spiraling through his head like; 'Emmet's been crying?' And 'Why was he crying?' And 'why was he intoxicated? He never gets drunk. Let alone drink beer before." He soon shook his thoughts away as they reached the entrance. The buff male knocked three times and they waited patiently. After about two minutes, the door opened slightly having them walk in.

        "Emmet?" Lucy pushed threw the crowed and ran towards Benny who held Emmet in his arms. "What's wrong with him? Did you guys get attached? Is he hurt?" Benny shook his head and walked past her. "He's intoxicated." Lucy rose an eyebrow and followed after him. "What do you mean intoxicated? Emmet never drinks." Benny shrugged and laid Emmet's sleeping form on the couch and sat next to him. "I herd that he's been crying earlier which led him to drink. Any idea why he was crying?" Lucy sighed and slowly nodded. "He was crying because of me...I broke up with him...and said some pretty mean things." Benny looked up and glared at her.

   "What the hell is wrong with you?! You know he's sensitive!" "I KNOW! That's what made me so, Angry." Benny scoffed and swatted his hand in the air. "Go away, Lucy. You're not wanted right here." She glared and walked away leaving the two. Benny side and laid Emmet's head on his lap. He sighed and played with his dark brown hair. Unikitty walked over and glared. "What's wrong with him?" Benny looked towards her and exhaled from his nose.

           "Lucy dumped him. He got drunk. Cried. And was about to make a terrible mistake." Unkitty huffed and pointed her nose in the air. "No, she didn't! He broke up with her. He was yelling at her! I saw everything." Benny took off his helmet and pushed his light brown hair to the side. "I highly doubt that. This is Emmet! We're talking about. Lucy must've done something in order for him to yell at her." Unkitty shook her head and glared. "No! He was yelling at her and everything!" Benny stood up a pointed at her. "You don't know a god damn thing about Emmet so shut your mouth!" Unikitty raised an eyebrow and smirked. "And you do?" She turned around and walked away leaving Benny in an angry mess. He growled and kicked a can into the air and watched as it flew away.

"B-Benny?" He gasped and turned around seeing Emmet rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "What's happening? Why are you yelling?" Benny shook his head and smiled. "It's nothing, I'm glad you're awake." Emmet smiled and looked around. "Why are we in the hideout?" Benny sat back down and crossed his arms. "The spaceship came back. It's outside right now." Emmet gasped and memories from earlier came flooding back to him. "I-I remember. I wasn't afraid. And...and I was." Benny nodded. "About to make a terrible mistake." Emmet groaned and let his head fall into his hands. "How am I so stupid? I was really gonna stoop that low?" Benny frowned and patted his friends back. "It's alright Emmet. You were just angry. Confused. It happens to everyone." Emmet nodded and removed his shirt seeing the bruise on his chest. "Benny, can I tell you something?" He smiled and looked down at him. "Yea?" "I think I don't like girls anymore...Wildstyle practically ruined it for me." Benny laughed and shook his head. "Let's go get you something to drink." He nodded and stood up, following Benny to the bar.

"Hey, Emmet!" He turned around and gasped seeing Unikitty growling and slowly walking towards him. "How dare you break my friend's heart!" Emmet gasped and fell into his behind, baking away. "I-I didn't break her heart! SHE BROKE MINE!" Unikitty growled and jumped into the air, about to pounce on him. Emmet covered his eyes and braces for impact.

But it never came.

He opened his eyes and gasped seeing Benny in front of him blocking Unikittys claws with his arm armor. "What the hells your problem?!" Unikitty jumped back and growled. "This is between Me and Emmet. Keep walking space boy!" Benny glared and placed back his helmet and got into a fighting stance. "Back up Kitty." She growled as they circled each other. They soon stopped and jumped into the air about to attack each other, only for the roof to give out. Everyone screamed and tried to take cover from the ruble. Soon the space ship flew down and grabbed Unikitty, Lucy, Batman, the Capitated head of the pirate. Soon the figure pointed the gun at Emmet. He screamed and covered his face. Benny took notice and flew towards him and pushed him out of the way only to get captured. Emmet turned and gasped, trying to reach out to his friend. "Benny! NO!" He smiled and closed his eyes as he was pulled into the space ship. The ship flew out of the roof and towards the sky. Emmets eyes went wide as he looked around.

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