Chapter Eight: Clue.

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For the rest of the week I have been alone, I haven't seen Hein or Dante but I know Hein has to be keeping an eye on me, from a far at least. He hasn't barged through the door with arms full of takeout bags or pizza boxes, he hasn't indulged in my oreo stash or watched a single chick-flick with me.

Damn it I miss him.

I was starting to think I'm imagining everything that happened in the past few months. That it's all in my head and I am a normal college kid with normal college-life problems.

If only I didn't see the dark vehicle that's always parked on the other side of the block. Always seemingly out of sight.

I attended all my classes for the week and it felt good to be up to date for once. I had enough money to give to Hein tonight and my project was coming along pretty well if I may say so myself, I have another doctor's appointment today which is why I'm sitting an a white room wearing a hospital robe awaiting the doctors arrival.

I have been dreading this day since the last time I stepped out of this building. I want to get more information on the procedure to end this suffering, I've been puking all week and I am so drained of energy it's ridiculous.

The doctor arrives and apologizes for the wait, I smile falsely and he jumps right to the point.

"We have two options," he counted them off on his fingers, "we can remove the IUD which has a significant chance of causing a miscarriage within 3 days, or we could leave in the IUD which could either lead to you having a normal pregnancy or it could cause life threatening problems at any time really, during the course of your pregnancy. In either case your pregnancy is high risk and you stand a chance of having a miscarriage at any given time." he finishes robitically, like I'm not a patient with feelings to be considered. It is a different doctor than last and I wish that I could see the other, kinder doctor.

He looked at me expectantly, like a choice like that can just mindlessly be made, like chosing a salad dressing.

"Well if I may have a miscarriage either way, I might as well have the damn thing removed." it sounded more like a question leaving my lips.

The doctor didn't miss a beat, "okay great," he closed the file as if I'm just another case solved, "place your legs here and we can begin," he smiles and mentions to the two things I should rest my legs on, seperating them and giving the doctor a full, uncensored view of my unmentionables.

The metal speculum is cold when slid inside me to open me up for a better view to remove the small T-shaped object that failed at it's only job.

With 10 minutes everything is done and I am told that spotting and cramping is normal for the first few hours and that if I have abnormal bleeding and painful cramps to go to any ER near me. I am given a return date and with a few painkillers I am sent home with the instructions to rest and relax as much as possible.

Yeah, I'll be as relaxed as possible waiting for a certain mafia-giant to enter my apartment looking for the drug money debt my sister dumped me with... Ugh. Story of my life.

By the time I enter my apartment the painkilles had entered my bloodstream and is making my head feel fuzzy, like a thick layer of cotton is engulfing it.

I close the door and realized that I hadn't need to unlock it, frowning I turn around to see Hein lounging on the sofa with a beer in his hand. The sound of the television playing in the background the only noise in the apartment.

When I reach the archway from the kitchen to the living room I feel my legs buckle and before I could stop myself I am on the floor, like a puddle of weakness, those pain meds are stronger than they lead on at the hospital.

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