Chapter 1 - Ariadne Maciel

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"Have a safe flight!" The old man says as he takes out your suitcase from the trunk of his taxi, placing it on the ground and smiling at you politely.

You nod and smile back, turning around to face the entrance to the airport, sighing deeply before you make your way inside. There's no turning back now, this is it, your volunteering awaits you.

When you enter the building, you immediately head to check-in for your flight. The queue in front of you is crowded as always, but you smile to yourself and head towards the closed lane.

Everyone waiting in the queue glances at you, wondering why you are there when the line is clearly where they're standing at.

You just shrug innocently when a young employee shows up behind the desk and opens the exact lane you're in, causing half of the people to rush towards you and make another queue behind you.

Smiling at the girl behind the counter, you give her your passport and your ticket, as well as all of the documents required for your stay in the country of your dreams, South Korea. Curiously glancing at her name tag, you squint a bit so you can read the name correctly. Alyssa.

Ah god, another one of these bitches. She's probably only travelling there to find a rich old man to marry and take all of his money, she's definitely got the looks for that.

You let out a small chuckle and brush away the girl's insulting thoughts, leaning closer to her while she's checking your documents. "Can you please check if my visa is valid? I'm staying there for nine months, I need to be sure everything is perfectly fine with it."

There, a little test. You're completely aware that there's no need for her to do that, but you're curious to see how she'll react.

You raise your eyebrows in surprise when she rolls her eyes at you before doing as you requested. "Is there a problem? Have I done anything to upset you?" You ask her as you tilt your head to the side, observing how her facial expression changes as you speak to her.

Damn, she's annoying. She's trying to get on my good side with that acting of hers, huh?

"You know Alyssa, you don't have to be judgemental towards other people just because they are dressed nicely or look prettier than you by your twisted standards, so can you please do your work properly and stop harassing me in your thoughts? Thank you." You sigh, reaching your hand out to take your passport and other documents from her, watching her bewildered expression.

"Wh- How did you know?" She spits out, her eyes scanning you frantically. She looks like a frightened animal, listening out for a nearby predator that will pounce at her and devour her at any given moment.

"Watch your coffee," You add as you turn your back to her, hearing a scream a second after when she knocks off her coffee from the table and spills it on herself.

A few people who were eavesdropping on your conversation lightly gasp, following your figure with their curious glances before it disappears in the crowd.

This day can't possibly get any better, you think to yourself as you finally get on the plane and prepare for a very long flight ahead of you.

Just as you're about to put your headphones on and listen to some of your favourite songs while reading Growth of the Soil from Knut Hamsun, a very attractive guy approaches your seat and glances at you before looking at his ticket.

Wow, she's beautiful. I wonder if she's a nice person too.

"Hi! Is this 45C?" The handsome guy asks you, getting a few strands of his light-coloured hair off of his forehead as words escape from his full lips.

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