Just Fine

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       As the next forty-five minutes drew forward in our Monday morning double-date, Finn and I eventually decided to pay for our coffees and start heading to the high school early.

"Well, what do you think?" I mention casually while walking beside Finn into the diner's parking lot, headed towards his black challenger.

"Of what?" He replies flatly.

I roll my eyes at his answer, "Of Wyatt, obviously."

I watch out of the corner of my eye as the boy runs a hand through his devilish curls, shrugging afterwards while muttering, "He's fine."

"Fine?" I query through furrowed brows, questioning whether he did actually know who we're talking about.

"What's wrong with fine?" He remarks calmly, taking fake offense to my reaction as we approach his lowrider.

I find myself shrugging innocently while lowering myself into the passenger seat, speaking the first thing to come to mind as I slip on my seatbelt.

"Well, I don't know, I was hoping you'd think he was more than just 'fine'."

He was perfect for Maddie, and even more importantly, our friend group.

The boy glances to me while shifting his key in the ignition, firing up the engine with a low roar, "Since when do you care what I think?"

"Since I met you, dumbass." I snap, already growing impatient with his stubbornness.

"Wow, how kind you are." The lean boy retorts softly, scoffing to himself as he shifts out of park and into drive.

"Really though, why just 'fine'?" I persist, honest curiosity flourishing in my foreign accent.

"How would you describe him?" Finn fires back, obviously trying to avoid answering as he pulls out of the diner parking lot.

"This isn't about me, Finn." I state calmly through a sigh.

I watch tenderly as his eyes drift to meet my gaze, looking to me with a doubtful expression and am expected raising in his dark brows.

"Well, maybe it is, after all you seem to care a whole awful lot about him." He muses through an almost petty-like tone.

"I-I don't! I just don't know if he's right for Maddie." I quickly blurt, and despite constantly thinking he was a perfect fit for her- just 'fine' is already inflicting my opinion.

"I thought you liked him." The dark-haired boy remarks sternly, his eyes piercing the road with a gaze that could kill.

"You- you're trying to mess with my head, aren't you?" I accuse with attitude practically flowing from my vocals as I snap at the boy beside me.

He shrugs lazily, his eyes still on the road, "Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you're realizing the guy is actually just 'fine', nothing more, nothing less."

I press my lips together in protest, trying to find a way to convince his stubborn personality that this new guy isn't that bad, not at all.

"He's not just fine- he's cute, and funny, and he's got a great smile. And he throws great parties; perfect boyfriend material for Maddie." I state firmly, thinking over the teen in my head after we spent the morning with him.

He snickers sarcastically at my response, "Are you sure you don't want him for yourself?"


"Oh, well I don't know, you're just real interested in this guy after just a conversation over a cup of coffee. It leaves a man to wonder, what else are you interested in involving him?" Finn remarks skeptically, shifting his gaze to me with betrayal roaming in his dark eyes, and suspicion apparent in the slight raise of his eyebrow.

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