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The teenager wears an unbuttoned, familiar red, orange, and yellow flannel over a white t-shirt, tucked into a black-buckled pair of worn, high-waisted jean shorts that's then paired with shin-high socks and her beat up converse.

Looks.. cute, like she tried but still kept it casual and comfortable.

"Coffee has arrived, as promised. Along with moral support." Millie announces as she approaches us, setting the cup holder on the bar counter as she grabs Ayla's drink and hands it to her.

"Thanks, Brown, how much was it?" Ayla asks casually, taking a sip from her vanilla frappuccino as the bass rests loosely against her chest.

Millie waves her off while approaching me with my iced black coffee and her own caramel coffee something-creation, "You don't have to pay me back, my treat. Just consider it me bribing you guys to be the first fan to hear the new song."

Handing me my coffee, I bid her a 'thank you' as her eyes gander up and down my body, more specifically, my clothes.

"Have you actually become stylish?" The brunette asks curiously, her hand resting on the back of the chair as she stands comfortably behind me.

I double take on my outfit, inspecting the vintage 'DISCO SHOOK' graphic white t-shirt that's slightly tucked into my belted fitted black jeans, the knees ripped from my last years of skateboarding that I've since dropped, and my black classic vans.

"Depends what you consider stylish, I suppose. Have you secretly been planning to wear my shirt outside of bed?" I reply while resting the cold drink on my thigh as my free hand runs my fingers through my mess of curls.

I notice Ayla almost spit out her drink as she lets out a unforgiving snort of laughter and surprise at my comment and what it infers.

"Um- I don't mean to intrude... but what do you mean by that exactly? Finn?" The blond questions hesitantly while also full of suspicion by the looks of Millie's crimson features and playful rolling of her eyes.

I shrug lazily, "Sometimes she wears my shirt to sleep to make it feel like I'm there, she's also part bloodhound and loves the smell or some shit."

I repress a snicker from my second comment, finding my own joke rather humorous as a hot and flustered brunette smacks my arm while a blue-eyed teenager erupts in laughter across from me.

"You make me 'fess up to shit you already know, and then tease me about it- how kind of you, Wolfhard. Truly heart-warming." Millie mutters while falling into the brown, worn leather couch two feet away from me and bringing her legs up into a criss-crossed formation.

"In his defense, he did write some references to you in the song. So, maybe that makes up for his teasing?" Ayla suggests while shrugging innocently, taking a sip from her drink as she finishes her comment.

Millie looks to her, suddenly more intrigued in what we're working on that ever before. I raise a skeptical eyebrow at this, finding it humorous how easily she's affected by even the mention of me thinking about her.

"What do you mean by 'references'?" The brunette queries while questionably staring at Ayla as she sips on her coffee-caramel drink.

The girl turns to me, as if to ask for permission to tell the British beaut about my lyrics. I shrug lazily while sipping on my own iced coffee, not really giving a shit who reads the lyrics- after all, they'll be hearing them sooner or later.

"Read them yourself. He said it's the start of verse one and the whole of verse two, if I remember correctly." Ayla explains while handing the notepad to Millie, peering over the paper as she points to certain verses and lyrics as she talks.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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