Facts as Flattery

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"Oh, here's your beanie, by the way." Millie mentions while tossing the black fabric my way while wearing an amused smile as we walk out of the hospital.

"Did you really just want the whole lobby seeing how bad you made my hair look?" I snap through a playful sneer, pulling the cloth over my incredibly wild mess of curls.

She shrugs innocently while giggling mischievously to herself, skipping slightly as she walks into the parking lot.

"You little-" I mutter, starting after the girl as she takes a glance over her shoulder before then suddenly yelping as she begins sprinting away from me while laughing rather adorably, in my opinion.

I quickly start catching up to her due to my longer strides, only being slowed by her meticulous weaving through parked cars while still making her way to the challenger.

Eventually she makes it to the challenger, and I catch up just to watch her desperately try to open the locked passenger door while still wearing an anxious smile despite both of our heavy breathing.

Never stopping my pace, I run up beside her as she worriedly squeals just before I throw her over my shoulder like a sack of fertilizer- if fertilizer was a well distributed 121 lbs.

"I am victorious!" I yell out in a low medieval, gladiator-like voice with both arms raise high in victory, trusting her body to balance on my shoulder.

"Finn- You're going to get me killed!"

"Silence, foe!" I snap, hearing her mutter an 'oh my gosh' from behind my back as I walk towards the hood of my car and set her down upon it.

She stares up at me in complete and utter awe, letting out a light laughter as she confesses out, "You're a dork!"

I furrow my brows at her surprised words, "Where's your proof?"

She raises her brows, "You.. are the biggest dork, maybe ever."

I roll my eyes while suppressing a guilty smile from crossing my face, instead walking around the hood to open the passenger side door while muttering a low, "Whatever."

"What, Mr. Mystery? You going to shut down on me because I've exposed your nerdy ways? Oh, the horror, the terror!" She exclaims while crawling off the hood and approaching my glare.

"Are you going to shut it? Or are you just waiting for me to give you a reason to?" I question flatly while tracing my fingers up her forearm, watching my touch on her skin induce goosebumps along the soft surface.

"No," Millie snaps while snacking my hand away, "you're a nerd, Finn Wolfhard. And no amount of seducing is going to cover up the fact that somewhere deep inside you- you know you're a dork too."

"Can your smartass self just get in the car and shut up about it?" I suggest while gesturing inside the open lowrider, placing one of my hands along my waist while the other holds her door open patiently.

"Lucky for you, curly, I'm quite fond of dorks." The British brunette mutters smoothly while softly grazing her lips across my own, yet somehow with just as much love and care as was shown in the bathroom.

I find myself wetting my lips as she happily takes her seat in the low rider, tasting the aftermath of her plump lips against mine as I hesitantly close the door for her.

While walking around the front of the car to the driver's side, I can't help but draw my fingers against my lips in infatuation.

And here I thought I couldn't love this little Brit any more than I do.

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