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      After spending the evening in the raven-haired boy's home, more specifically his room, I left him in a sleeping state and creaked out the house, texting Maddie afterwards for a ride home.

Before leaving him, though, I had him asleep in my arms. His own limbs sprawled around and over me with his head laid on my stomach.

With most of my torso leaning against the wooden headboard behind me, I began to study the boy that I've looked over countless times.

With the carefully trace of my fingertips, I laced his curls away from his face for my full viewing. Where I found the familiar freckles that strike his boyishness, I also came to face a grey undertone to his usual pink skin.

I swallowed harshly at the sight, knowing quite well where such a sickly change to the skin comes from. Regardless of my knowledge to the symptoms of this cancer, it didn't sting any less to notice it so early in my falling for him- in my life with him.

Holding the tears from welling in my eyes in fear that I could wake him from my own cries, I simply suppress the hurt and instead let a frown form across my lips in return.

"Why did you have to do this, curly?" I whisper aloud as my fingers continue to trace his locks from his sickened- but no less beautiful- face.


m i l l i e

       "Hey, hop in, lover girl. I already got plans with Wyatt and I can't be late." Maddie warns from behind the wheel as she pulls up beside his driveway, hitting the side of her car door as a gesture for me to get in as she anxiously glances from me to the road.

"Oh sorry, am I too much of a detour to your hook up session?" I tease sarcastically, smirking smugly at her as I walk around the back of the car towards the passenger seat.

Her glare follows me into the car, being accompanied by an annoyed grumble of slurred curses in following.

"Don't tell me that's actually what you're doing, Mads. Because- I.. I was kidding." I question with wide eyes and a concerned laugh, waiting for her to start assuring me it isn't.. but, unfortunately, I'm left waiting.

Instead she only looks back to me guiltily, slowly shifting into drive as her eyes advert mine at all costs.

"I mean- it's not the main purpose of going over but.." She trails off, her voice shaken with guilt and hesitancy.

I let out a surprised huff at her implications, blinking as the thought of my best friend  having such intentions contrasts my own when visiting Finn.

Funny how different we can be, and yet we fit so well.

"Maddie, you better not be doing this because he convinced you or just because you can." I parent as she starts rolling onto the road once again at the respected speed limit.

She puts up a hand to stop me as she cringes to herself, "Alright, yeah I know, Mills. I'm not saying we're going to- I'm just saying it's a possibility. And honestly? I like him, like.. a lot."

I raise a curious brow at her confession, "A lot? How can you like him so much when you only met him last weekend?" 

She shrugs sheepishly, "I don't know, we talk a lot on the phone. It's only been a few days but already he has me up til 4 AM just talking to him."

Cigarette Smoke V.II // FILLIEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя