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m i l l i e

       "Are you insinuating what I think you are, Finn Wolfhard?" I ask as he pulls away from my flustered presence, all while I'm trying my best to play it cool under my current circumstances.

With him practically dressed like circa-2014 Harry Styles, his burning hand holding mine, and whispering shit like that in my ear with that raspy voice of his- can you blame me for practically buckling at the knee?

"Am I, Millie Brown?" He remarks slyly as we walk up the steps towards the high school, his hand releasing from my grasp as he uses it to hold open the door.

"Dork." I tease back, trying my best to ease the growing tension between us while in the presence of countless other students flooding the halls.

"So unoriginal." Finn retorts flatly, now leaning on the locker beside mine as I rotate the combination into the lock.

"I have to get to class, and so do you. You better get going before you get suspended for being counted absent. I'll see you at lunch, yeah?" I direct while holding onto the opening of my locker, grabbing textbooks and notebooks from the inside.

"If you're lucky." Finn retorts from beside me, shrugging lazily.

"Oh, curly, I'm always lucky." I remark while carefully gripping onto the opening of his flannel, pulling him closer as I bite onto my lower lip to help repress the smile daring to emerge.

"Are you now? How so?" He questions, going along with my flirtation as his eyes travel south, to my lips.

"Millie, quit flirting and let's go! You have a minute before first bell rings!" A sudden voice rings out above all other conversations that settle into one constant buzz, that voice of course being Maddie's.

My eyes swiftly shoot upwards to meet his as I push him away and slam my locker shut, "Sorry, Wolfhard, guess you'll have to find out another time."

"I'm sure I will. Don't daydream of me too much, love. Hard to occupy the time of someone who doesn't do their homework, now isn't it?"

"I wouldn't know. I do it everyday, curly." I remark while waking backwards away from the smirking boy, turning around swiftly as a grin spreads over my lips.

So this is what it's like to feel in love.. it's not bad, not bad at all.


f i n n

"Shut up, 1984 is a classic. Why would it be considered in one of the most prestigious categories of literature if it weren't one of the best?" I insist after being teased by my book choice while sitting in the library along side an auburn-haired senior.

He snickers sarcastically at my reasoning, waving me off as he taps the open book with the end of his pencil.

"You're just mad that I called you out for being a nerd, Finnie. Because unlike most kids, you choose to read classics. No wonder Duffer hates you so much, you already know the whole fucking curriculum." Josh remarks, referring to my English teacher, Mr. Duffer.

Or as I like to address him, Ross.

"Yeah, that explains why you barely passed that class, huh?" I fire back lazily, smirking slightly as I lift my eyes from the worn pages and glance at the teenager.

"I barely passed that class because you ditched when he smelled our smoke, and I was the only one to blame. I still haven't forgiven you for that one, by the way." He snaps, pointing to me warningly as I only hum in response.

Cigarette Smoke V.II // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now