Chapter 2: My suitcase

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The plane ride was shorter than I hoped for although what I did hope for was that it didn't land for eternity.

I sat in between Lucy who never took her eyes of the window and Macy who never took her eyes of her notebook. When I first met Macy I told her to let all her feeling out onto paper just like I did when Jack left. It helped and it also helps Macy figure out how to handle her mum.

"You know what I was planning on doing this summer" I say to Macy.

She rolls her eyes before turning to me "Yea I do know. You were gonna be cooped up in the school gym with your dance mates, come on its not everyday you get to see Greece"

A warm smile conquers my face. I loved how she knew me well. Although dance was my dream and the dance group was my life. Everyone knew that "Don't think I'm not gonna dance out here. I still need to work on my dance solo" I inform her.

She turns to look at me again "Regionals are in nine weeks I think you can have some fun in between now and then"

I hate that she was right. I just needed exuses not to talk to the one person I didn't expect to see again.

"But this is the first year I'm doing a solo" I point out.

"Yea and you've been working your butt off creating and learning the choreography don't you think you need a break"

"Can I just win this one" I wisper shout.

"No you can't win this one I'm not flying solo down that beach and going to those awesome parties by myself and besides it's better to face him than avoid him"

Again I hated that she was always right. I was about to argue more but the intercom cuts me off and tells us that we will be landing in ten minutes. I almost cry out loud.


"Hey Lu can you grab my bag for me"

"Get it yourself" She retorts.

"You've been hanging around Macy to much" I shoot back.

"Yea cause she's way more cooler that you" She deadpans.

"Ouch" I mouth. She walks past me empty handed leaving me to grab it on my own whilst holding dad's suitcase. I spot mine and reach out for it but I just grabbed air. Great. That's when I see another hand grab it and watch it be pulled of the conveyor belt.

"Hey that's my bag" I growled loud enough so heads turned.

"I know and that's why I was helping you Miss" A husky voice chuckles almost making me melt. I follow my gaze up to see the owner of the hand and way to sexy voice and if the voice didn't get me then his transparent emerald eyes definitely did.

His eyes were like China glass, fragile but beautiful. His jet black hair draped perfectly over his eyes and under his black tank top I could just make out the detailed toned chest of his

What do I say?

"Err thank you" my cheeks flush a shade of pink and an award winning grin flashed across his face. He extends the arm with the suit case in it flexing his biceps in the process. I wanted to reach out and grab his toned arms more that my suit case.

"Don't worry I won't bite just take it"

My cheeks flushed even more red when I realised I had probably just been standing there looking like an utter idiot.

I take the suitcase and mutter another thanks.

"I'm Coby by the way" He introduces himself and I finally look up at his face.

"Addy" I nod.

"Nice to meet you Addy"

"Nice to meet you Coby" I didn't know why he was talking to me. It's not like I was gonna see him again.

"Well are you coming back from Calfornia or are you a tourist?" He asks.

"Oh I'm a residence of Greece" I try to say in my best Greece accent possible. He looks surprise for a minute and I couldn't contain my laughter "No I'm just messing with ya" I laugh hysterically.

"Ah your a joker" he laughs with me. When we were finished with our giggles he speaks up "So what part of Calfornia are you from?"

"San fran" I inform him.

"No way I'm from there as well" he gasps.

"Well the first date and we've already got something in common" I joke.

"Well hopefully by the second we'll be getting married" he says encouraging my joke side. I chuckle again and was about to say something else when I hear my name being called.

"Well that's my fans just dying to see me" I muse whilst looking over at my family.

"Well I still need to get my suitcase there probably getting annoyed seeing the same suitcase go round in circles"

I look at the deserted conveyor belt "By the looks of it your suitcase is the only one going around in circles"

"Adds the cabs waiting come on"

"Well I won't keep you any longer" he looks at my family then back at me "See ya around Addy"

"Yea see ya"


"Who was that fresh piece of meat that you should of definitely gotten a piece of?" Macy asks when I approach her.

"Oh no one. I'll doubt I'll ever see him again" I shrug.


Hey guys it's me again!

Yeah the annoying author who should just shut up already....... but don't you want your teaser.

Teaser: Jack will finally be in the next chapter.

I know your all were hoping to see Jack in this chapter and on the teaser in the last chapter I did say that Jack was gonna be revealed but I thought the chapter would get to long if I have to talk in between about what the beach house is like what his family is like and have Addy think about some tough memories. So yeah be prepared for a long chapter three.

OK now bye!!!!


Hey guys, so I know it's been a week since I've even been on the website BUT that doesn't mean I'm disinterested in the story I'm actually super excited to be writing this but let me tell you what happened.

So funny enough I actually went to Greece (like where their going in the book), I went with school and I got back yesterday but last Wednesday this guy walked past me and stole my phone out of my pocket. SO THAT WAS GREAT!

That was the only device I brought with me so I was completely cut of from civilisation. So I wasn't able to update on Friday or Tuesday (yesterday) which is my new update schedule, and yes I know it will probably go out the window soon but I'm gonna try to stick to it.
So to make up for Tuesday and Friday I'm gonna post two chapters today and expect the next one on Friday.

Also the authors note I wrote above I wrote when I finished the chapter so I wrote that over a week ago.


Summer Fun (paused)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora