Chapter 6: Dejavou at a party

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It had been a few hours since we saw Jack and every minute I've been feeling more worried. The partying was never really my scene.

"What about this?" Macy held about the tenth outfit up.

"Yes that's nice" I say in a monotone voice. I was tired of this. We were going to a party with drunk adolescents not the Oscars.

She looks the velvet dress up and down "Too formal, it's a beach party so not to over kill"

I rolled my eyes and Macy caught it as she turned her gaze to me "Well what do you suggest then?" She threw her hands up in a big commotion.

I walked over to her bed that had clothes sprawled out everywhere, you couldn't even see the silk bed sheets under the pile of mess.

I picked up a casual black bohemian style dress that cascaded down to just above my knees.

I look to Macy for an answer and she had a conflicted expression "It looks a bit morbid, don't you think, like your going to a funeral"

"Then why did you buy it then if you don't like it?"

"Well it looked good in the store at the time and your mum was pressuring me"

I mentally cursed at myself for not going with my mum and Macy to get summer clothes.

"Well I like it so I'm wearing it" I demanded.

I go into the bathroom and change into the soft material. I apply a bit of lipgloss and eyeliner, I was never the one to go all out glam with makeup in fact I never wear makeup.

I come out the bathroom to find Macy in a beautiful navy blue crop top and ripped denim shorts that allowed her whole stomach to be on show. She was always much more confident than me, being able to walk into a party showing off her belly and legs, but at the same time she was part Spanish so her skin had that natural tan that was gorgeous, unlike me who had plain white skin.

We met Jack at the bottom of the stairs and we snuck out the back. I kinda felt guilty but this wouldn't be the first time I've snuck out, I used to sneak out of our house and go over to Jack's next door, it wasn't far but it was still sneaking out.

"You've got your passes?" Jack looks between Macy and I waiting frantically for our answer "please tell me you have them"

"Yes there right here" I waved the two cards in his face and his shoulders slumped in relaxation. We walked the rest of the way in silence, the music gradually got louder the more steps we took.

After what seemed like for ever we finally reach the gate. There were a few people making out on the sand outside the gates, obviously wanting to still be apart of the party but having privacy at the same time.

We handed our cards to the bouncer. His frame was strong and sharp. He looks at us unconvinced and Jack puffs his chest out giving himself a older demeanor whilst Macy pucks her lips into a quaint smile making herself look more mature. Wow how many parties have they snuck into? I stood in the shadows behind them hoping my baby features are not visible to the scary looking bouncer. Only half convinced he shrugs and hands us back our cards stepping to the side at the same time.

Yes, we were in.

"How many parties have you snuck into?" I whispered in Macy's ear, she just giggles.

The atmosphere was ecstatic. There was a stage in the middle of the beach with an energetic looking DJ and just as equally lively people dancing around him. The area was painted in neon lights and the music could be heard from every corner.

"Wow" Was all my vocabulary allowed me to expand to.

"Wow indeed" Jack copies not peeling his eyes off the scene layed before us. I turn to see Macy's reaction but my stomach drops when I can't see her. The one lecture that my mum pounded into our heads before we left was to look after each other.

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