Chapters 4: A pass to summer

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I was finally able to breath when Mac and I went up to our room. It looked just like an ordinary guest room. The walls were a light blue and there was a desk in between two single beds.
There was also a balcony that Macy went strait for.

I threw my bag down on the bed and headed into the bathroom to splash my face.

I looked into the mirror and attempted to fix the messy bun on my head but just failed. With a grunt I headed out the bathroom to find Macy flicking through the TV.

I sat next to her on her bed as we looked totally disinterested at the Greek channels.

"So ant" Macy teased

"Shut up" I grumbled.

"Don't worry you can avoid him and we can hang out just us girls" I didn't need to ask who she was talking about "Addy the ant" She giggles, I just give her a venomous look "What it's a great nickname, Addy the ant, Addy the ant" She starts chanting it.

I grabed her pillow and I felt it connect with her head, she stops singing abruptly "Oh that's it" She mutters and grabs her pillow. She starts chasing me around the room as we tried to dodge the soft materials in our hands.

I fell to the ground and she leaps on top of me continuesly bating me with the pillow but my laughter only grew.

We heard a nock at the door and we both fell to the ground in a fit of laughter "Come in" We said in union.

Jack walks in casually but stops short when he sees the scene before him "Err, you guys ok?" Concern laced his voice.

"Yea sure" Macy panted "Are you ok?"

"Yea just came to see if you wanted a tour" He states, enthusiastically.

"Great" My falsetto voice was slightly visible as my words came out my mouth and Macy nudges me.

"Well that's the zip wire that I know Addy won't go on because she's terrified of heights" Jack claimed.

"Am not" I lied. I was scared of heights I just didn't want him to be right.

"Am too" He teased.

"What's that?" Macy pointed out at the ocean at two blobs scimming across the surface.

"Speed jets, we can do that too" Jack responds.

We headed back to the beach house gawking at all the things on the beach.

"It's sad that we can't do everything it will cost way to much" Macy sighs longingly.

"That's why my mum got us unlimited passes so we can go on everything for free" Jack boasted.

Macy turned to look at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes "Do these passes include parties?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her. She was always up for trouble.

"Sadly because we're only sixteen my mum got us minor passes so we can't get into parties" The smile on Macy's face quickly faded "But i met a guy here who can get us secret passes, he's doing them as we speak" The smile quickly appeared back on Macy's face.

"Then let's party" She threw her hands up in celebration and danced around the beach, her feet digging up the orangy powder that caked our feet.

I couldn't help but laugh "You're such a child" I snorted.

We headed up the patio and back into the moist air of the beach house where we found our parents sitting on the couch with cups of wine on the silk couches, they clocked their heads to look at us.

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