Chapter 5: What's to come

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So it had been a few days since we had arrived and as I intended I avoided Jack by making excuses like I'm going out with Macy or I'll be in the shower when he would want to talk.

"Macy, Addy lunch" I hear my mums voice bellow through the house.

"Coming" I said groggily, even though it was almost midday I was still fast asleep but I managed to slumber to the stairs and Macy to.

"There's the famous two" My dad exclaims when we appear around the corner "We were beginning to think you guys were dead"

I ignore him and instead look around the table "Where's the coffee?" My voice comes out raspier than I thought it would.

Everyone pointed to the kitchen on the other side of the capacious room. My eyes immediately dart to the coffee machine and I grab it but before I could do anything it was taken away from me, snatched right out of my sleepy hands.

I glare at the culprit "Jack" I ground. He had an amused look on his face.

"What, I want coffee I've come to get coffee" He mused.

"Well wait in the queue" I spat.

"Ok then" He stands in front of me "Oh look at that I'm at the front of the queue" He turns and flashes his cute dimple smile at me. If I wasn't so angry at him I might be kinda drooling over the smile.

I leap forward and tried to grab the coffee but he starts running "Do I really have to chase you?" I moan, He is fast I'll give him that.

"Jack get back here" I shouted and then chased him, he runs outside and on to the beach and I took big strides, that's when I realised I'm never going to catch him at this pace, I'm going to have to use another tactic. I duck between two chairs outside another beach house and watch as Jack stops in confusion.

"Err, Ant" He looks around "Addy where are you?" I walk around the chairs so now I was directly beside him. I count to three and then jumped out from my fort and tackled him to the ground, he looks confused but quickly recovers "No my coffee" He says possessively.

"Well to bad because its mine now" I yank it from his grasp and ran as fast as I could back to the beach house, it hurt running and laughing a the same time but I didn't care because I was having fun. Wait did I just say I was having fun? With the boy I now hate? I guess im so used to this behaviour around Jack that I forget about everything.

I manage to make it inside but just as I do I was lifted off the ground and flipped over so I was lying on my belly and I was on someone's shoulder "Hey" I wriggled around in the persons grasp but it was tight around my waist, also the toned detail seeping through the persons t-shirt didn't go unnoticed by me, that's when I realised the t-shirt belonged to Jack. Jack.

"Jack put me down"

"Not until you give me the coffee"



"N-o spells no!!" Before we could argue some more a hand comes into my view and takes the coffee from me "Hey someone else has entered the ring"

"What do you mean?" Jack asks.

"Someone has taken the coffee from me" I look up to see a wide grin on Josh's face.

"Dad give it back, preferably to me" Jack warns him but with ease Josh pours himself a cup of coffee.

"I love that our children are all grown and mature" He emphasises on the 'mature'

"I think you mean just one child" I point out "Cough, cough Jack"

"Shut up" Was his comeback and I couldn't help but laugh at his hurt ego.

"Ok you can put me down now the blood is starting to rush to me head" I rub my forehead were a headache was starting to come on.

"Sure thing" I couldn't help but hear the evil tone in his voice. What was he up to? Before I could ask I yelped when I went flying through the air and landed with a thud on the couch.

"What's your problem?" I didn't even wan to look up at him.

"Oh come on I've got a good aim and if you did fall on the floor then the worse you would get is probably a bruise"

"Whatever" I mumble.


Mac and I lay sprawled out on the beach and let the suns rays cake us. I hear footsteps come closer and Jack sits beside me. Great what does he want?

"Who would like to go to a party tonight?"

"Thanks but no thanks" I say and he looks to Mac for help.

"Come on it will be fun" I tries to convince me.

"Thanks but Macy and I are sun bathing"

"What, tonight? How are you gonna sunbathe tonight when there is no sun" A victory grin plays on his face, Ok he caught me, this was simple procedure were I keep making excuses until he gives up.

"Then I'll read this book that I brought with me" I shrug.

"So you're telling me you'd rather stay in and read a book than go to one of the most coolest festivals on this island"

"I'm sure its not that cool" I try to convince him but it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself.

"It's the beginning of summer festival so its the first one and they're making it big for first impressions" He sighs and then thinks for a minute "Come on it starts at nine, we can leave at eight thirty and walk along the beach it only being held further up the beach"

"Who's throwing it?" Mac asks. she wasn't seriously considering this, was she?

"The resort of course"

"Oh my god! if I said yes would you shut up" I finally snap but Jack wasn't offended in fact that amusing grin that I've gotten to know these past few days comes out to play.

"I'll see you at eight thirty in this exact spot" Before we could say anymore he was gone.

"What have I gotten us into" I cry.

Ok so I'm sorry that I got it wrong in the last chapter and said a familiar face was gonna show. What I wanted to do was put the party in this chapter but that might of been to long so DEFINITELY a familiar face will be in the next chapter.

So I think it's time for a PARTY!!!
but you'll have to wait for the next chapter.

Also guys I have mock exams all next week so just for that week I'm gonna stop writing and also over the weekend because of revision. I've tried to revise and write these past few weeks but that's just to hard so I promise a chapter will be up sometime the week after (might even be on Monday) so look out for that.

Anyways comment and vote and let me know what you think.

See ya soon!!


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