Important Announcement: Wattpad Hiatus

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Hey guys! Hope you all doing well. I wanted to let you know that I will be taking a break from Wattpad for a while.

 I know that a lot of you have been asking me to update ROO. I am so sorry that I was unable to update. I have just been so busy with things. Also, when I do have time to write, the creative drive is just not there at the moment. (Writer's block) This does not mean that ROO will be abandoned, It just means that I need time to get my creative juices flowing again. 

Also, my academics are my top priority, right now since 2019 is my final year of high school.

But don't worry, my lovely readers, I will be back and you will see the next instalment as well as other future projects from me on the platform.

Thank you all so much for the endless love and support towards ROO. *Virtual Hugs*

Be back real soon! :)

Redempta a.k.a Redwriter2016

Rise Of Orange (A Power Rangers Dino Charge Fanfic) (On hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now