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Graduation year! I've waited months for this day to come. All I need to work for this year is to get myself on top of the list to be a valedictorian. That means NO slacking, NO distractions and NO boys.

"Emily! Breakfast is ready!" Dad called out from the kitchen.

"I'll be down in 10!" I exclaimed running across the hall to my room clutching tightly to the towel hugging my body.

Closing my bedroom door gently behind me, I scanned my clothing options sprawled out on the bed. There was casual, flashy and smart. I had to be quick with my choice here, otherwise I'd be here all day - that means no flashy clothing.

"Wait.. when did I have flashy stuff" I muttered to myself utterly confused tossing them aside.

Screw the dress to impress on the first day back tradition. I wasn't going to stand here for eternity debating on clothes when no one really notices me other than my best friend Maya and Dan anyway. With a defeated sigh I grabbed the casual college logo jumper and ripped jeans throwing them on.

"Emily, the pancakes will get col- oh hi sweetheart" Dad said with a beaming smile spreading across his face after taking a sip out of his coffee mug.

"Hi dad" I replied with a smile taking a seat opposite him at the breakfast table and digging into my plate of pancakes. "You okay? You look a little tense right there" I added seeming concerned with dads pained sigh.

"Everything's fine" Dad lied

"Clearly it's not, are you letting the department tie you up with work again?" I asked taking another bite of pancake.

"You know who MPC are?" Dad asked instantly knitting his brows together. "They're one of Grove City's untouchable thieves until this very day. And I have been given the lead on the new case of finally putting them behind bars after a mansion worth millions was robbed clean" he added pinching the bridge of his nose.

MPC... isn't that a gaming thing? But a robbery worth millions is next level, but is it not a game?

"I'm sure you can catch them dad, you're the most hard working and devoted person I know" I stated with a big smile after finishing the last bite of pancake.

"Thank you sweetheart" Dad said smiling back placing a kiss on my forehead. "I'm off to the office now, remember you'll always be my little star" he added giving my shoulder a little squeeze and grabbing his files.

"Always" I exclaimed with a light laugh as the front door closed.

It wasn't long after my dad left, my ride to college had shown up honking the car outside my house like there was no tomorrow. My friends love making a scene clearly. With a shake of my head and a little giggle to myself I made my way over to the bouncing car parked out front.

"Hey pretty girl" Maya exclaimed poking her head out the window giggling.

"Yeah hi stick your head back inside" I replied laughing and hopping into the back seat and looking back to the seats behind. "Dan stayed up again?" I added pulling the seatbelt over me.

With a quick glance in the centre mirror and a nod from Maya, we were off down the street and well on our way to college. The ride pretty much summed up to Maya tapping her fingers away at the steering wheel and both of us bopped our heads up and down to the radio - of course whilst Dan was sleeping in the back.

"I'm surprised he's still sleeping" Maya spoke up breaking the silence parking the car in the usual spot.

"Yeah, especially with the loud music" I added with a laugh, then smacking Dan with a pillow Maya had in the car.

"Argh you bully" Dan moaned.

"Time for college and first impressions babe, come on get up and out of the car" Maya whined convincingly enough that Dan was out and striding down to the entrance in seconds.

With a smirk Maya followed bouncing away at her heels. It's strange to be back at college, i'll admit that much - but I could never have missed the smell of freshly cut grass and the clear blue skies that sits perfectly above campus.

Students flocked the pavements, stood by their cars and sitting at communal benches busily chatting was we all probably missed - considering being away from friends for a month or two. It's like people have forgotten who people were in that short time.

"Um, who's the guy staring at Emily with Brent over there?" Dan asked looking back over his shoulder at me.

"Wh-who's looking at me?" I stuttered, as Dan tilted my head to the side to a handsome tall, strong and dark haired guy. "You're delusional.." I added snapping my head back to Dan and Maya standing in front of me.

"Nooo, he's definitely checking you out" Maya confirmed with a giddy look. "Are those car keys?" She questioned squinting her eyes at Brent and the mysterious guy.

Who is this guy talking to the richest snob student of Grove College we know as Brent? And how does he know Brent?

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