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Details. Details. Details. What more does everyone need to know about an introvert hanging out with a guy that seems way out of my league. It's not everyday, that a student who focuses solely on knowledge suddenly appears famous the next day. So why me?

"Alright everyone simmer down, let's not pester Emily anymore about her personal life" Dr Elmers said clearing her throat. "And let's focus ahead of the game for a class assessment in a few weeks shall we?" she adds.

However, not even then people wouldn't stop asking questions.

"She hangs out with a guy once, and now she's miss social bee of the month, before this year even started no guy would ever talk to her" Becca snorted

"What are you jealous or something? It's a shame daddy can't buy you everything" I retorted turning in my seat to face her. "Now, be quiet and educate yourself if you're planning to run against me to valedictorian" I smirked turning back around.

Woah, when did i become a bitch? 

"Emily, that's wasn't very nice, but its unfortunate that its true" Dr Elmers commented. "Now, if you all want to graduate college, I expect no payouts and I need your full attention" she adds.

On that note, example questions and pass papers were given out for reference, all the question like different parts of the brain naming and functions were pretty easy. I could get a hang of this, and be able to finally live my life after college... but maybe I can start now.

As the clock ticked onto the next hour, it seemed like it was forever, and this was the first I ever wanted to leave the class. It was up until my phone blinked and vibrated a little when I got a message from Logan.

Logan: Hey, meet by the docks right in front of the warehouse. Trust me, it's safe ;) 


"Is everything alright Emily?" Dr Elmers asked walking down the middle of the seats.

"Oh yeah, it's just my dad letting me know he's out working late again" I lied.

I really got to stop this none sense. I need to know what Logan does and its really starting to bug me. First the package, now this location he wants me to meet him at.

Me: That's sketchy, do you have a big enough body bag? 

Now, to focu-

Logan: Even if I owned a body bag, I don't think a beautiful girl like you could ever be in one ;)

is he flirting?

Logan: I'll see you tonight Emily

Me: I'll see you tonight

What am I doing? Now, I have to make up some bizarre lie to dad that I won't be home tonight. Oh gosh, I really hope he can't tell when I'm lying. Slapping my forehead, I excused myself from class for a moment and sighed loudly once I was in the clear.

"I can't believe I am ever thinking of doing this" I muttered to myself scrolling through my phone to call dad. 

"Hi sweetpea, shouldn't you be in class?" Dad said cheerfully

"I needed to be excused from class, I was feeling light headed with all the warmth in there" I lied 

"Oh dear, that silly menstrual cycle does it's wonders doesn't it? Drink lots of water and sit down for a bit" Dad replied saddened 

"dad!" I groaned "I hope you're not in the office and just said that out loud because that's embarrassing"

"I'm not dont worry" He laughed "Also what's up you normally don't ever call me unless you need a pick up" he adds

Lie confidently Em, and don't make it too obvious.

"Just wanted to let you know i'm staying over with Maya tonight, group project and a study date" I said calmly breathing in and out

"Alright, thanks for letting me know. Was going to tell you I was going to be home late tonight, still trying to locate MPC. For your own safety, stay out of sketchy locations" Dad replies.

Sketchy places he says... Logan's asked me to go somewhere sketchy... Am i paranoid?

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