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At times like this I really wished I never bothered coming early to dates, hang outs and other stuff. Especially, now.

It was nippy out at this time of day, the dock creaked eerily, the water splashed calmly and tree branches swayed.

Why did I commit to forcing myself out here? And meeting a guy by this warehouse where my life could end.

"Hey you made it!" Logan said sneaking up behind me.

"Don't do that!" I screamed punching him the arm

"Follow me" He adds holding his hand out and then leading the way towards the warehouse.

You'd think this was the moment I die, but it wasn't. From just a few inches away I could hear the chatter of people and music.

This place was alive with people eating, drinking and showing off their fast super cars by revving them.

"What is this place?" I asked jaw dropped, turning around to look back at the shore disappear by the embrace by people.

"It's where people race, hang out and drink without the cops ever knowing it being legal or not" Logan beams

He sure does know where the cool places are.

"This is my cousin Lamar, he owns the best food serving food truck" he adds

"Nice to meet you!" I exclaimed over the music

"Once you come here, you'll never want to go to another food truck again" Lamar says proudly.

"We'll see about that" I replied laughing.

Looking around I began absorb the life out here, there wasn't a way to describe how lively this was. Being home almost my entire life taught me that there were more beyond the doors.

"Hey loser! The food trucks mine" A tall muscular, tattooed man in his early 30s hollered walking up to us.

"What's going on? I thought this was yours Lamar" I said looking back and fourth between the man and Lamar.

"I may have put a bet on the food truck that Daz wasn't going to win the race with his dinky old fashioned car" Lamar said guilty of his actions. "But this trucks my life, who's the hell was going to believe he'd win!" He added defensively.

"Give it up loser" Daz grinned crossing his arms over his chest.

Glancing over at Logan, I could see that he was angered. From white knuckles, veins standing out and the gritted teeth. He was not happy.

"You and me, at the start line in 20 minutes. Be there" Logan hissed looking pointedly at Daz. "I win, I get the food truck back and your Dodger" he adds holding out his hand.

Daz took a looming step close to Logan and scoffed before slapping his hand against Logan's. Logan better know what he's putting up on the line here.

Suddenly, onlookers began murmuring amongst each other in shock and fear. What was going to happen if Logan didn't win?

Is Daz some overlord driving that everyone bows at his feet.

"Not everyone will kneel before you" Logan commented with a smirk.

"Daz, he's Seth's lead. I wouldn't mess with Seth's gang" one of Daz's entourage says.

Gang?! What am I doing!

"He's on, come on let's get ready" Daz commanded "can't wait to see what car you're on the track with" he added laughing

I don't think Daz knows what he's doing..
Daz is crazy
Does he know who Logan is?

The words of onlookers never left my head. Things aren't adding together. And Logan is no longer a car salesman to me.

"Logan" A deep voice said inching out of the dark from behind Logan

Is this a movie?!

"Seth, aren't you supposed to be doing a pick up right now?" Logan replied turning around.

"I am, thought I drop off my priceless car with you. I expect it spotless and untouched with scratches." Seth said eyeing me down and handing Logan the key. "Who's the bird"

"I'm Emily.. a friend of Logan's" I spoke up with courage 

With no reply from Seth, he nodded curtly and turned his attention back to Logan.

"If I see as much as a dent on my car, I'll have your head on a pike" Seth says aggressively before walking off.

"You can count on me sir" Logan mumbled with a grin.

"What is that face, don't touch his car" Lamar said worried attempting to snatch the keys of Logan

"Wait.. are you going to race with that guys car?" I asked already understanding what is going on

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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