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The closer I got, the more effortlessly handsome he was. He hasn't noticed me yet, maybe when Maya and Dan aren't looking I can make a bee line around the block.

"Hey" Logan said almost sounding seductive noticing my slow approach.

Darn he saw me, relax Em. Your only focus is your studying and nothing can change that, even if it happens when I don't seem to expect it.

"H-hi" I stuttered "Brent s-said you wanted to see me, but I think he has the wrong person" I added

"He definitely has the right person" Logan replied with a smirk spreading across his face. "What's your name?" he asks

"Em- Emily" I replied straightening my posture and relaxing.

There is something up with him, something that doesn't quite fit this moment. My stomach was twisting as if I should be careful around someone I barely know. Dad had always taught me to be prepared for bad situations. So, with that in mind I reached into my bag and slowly began digging for my pepper spray without causing suspicion.

"Logan, as you probably already know" He stated eyeing me up and down.

"Do you sell cars for a living?" I blurted.

Great way not to act suspicious of the guy Em.

"I guess you could put it that way" He chuckled "Hey uh, wanna see something?"

"Sure" I replied cautiously following behind him.

Before you knew it, we were standing in front of a Lamborghini, wrapped in a matt yellow finish with a black stripe running down the middle. I admit, it was a beast of a car. It sure blended in the sun setting behind it, it's like you never knew it was here in the first place.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He asked

"For a car, yeah it is" I replied jaw dropped. "How do you even get these cars"

"From a job that I do, pays off well but I don't see myself doing for much longer." He said looking off into the distance. "Ride with me" he added opening the passenger door.

My heart was pounding, it felt like it was at 150 beats a minute. Is this safe?

Scanning the parking lot for onlookers was harder than I thought, I expected people to follow us and continue to be mesmerised by Logan's appearance. Maya and Dan, they were nowhere to be seen - not even Maya's car was here, leaving me no choice.

"If I do, could you drop me home.. my ride left me thinking she was funny" I commented looking at him with a stern face.

"Of course." He smiled

On that note, I took a seat in the passengers seat as he closed the door after me. He was a gentleman, ill give him that satisfaction.

"What are you showing a girl you just met? Your secret pokemon card collection?"

"Better" He laughed

"Oh god do you have a care bear collection because I swear"

"No, we're almost there" He laughed again this time shaking his head

The car ride was short but insanely fast. The adrenaline in me wanted more, I loved the thrill of going at a speed of more than 20mph.

Whilst the adrenaline continued to pump around my veins. I looked up and we had parked in an enclosed area by a cliff overlooking the city. I've never seen life so picturesque before, and it had me in tears.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked looking out the windshield mesmerised by the complimenting colours of orange, red and yellow.

"It's not often I bring people here, it's my safe place and it seems like you needed to be here" he replied staring out the windshield too

"What are you implying?" I asked again

"You're tense, is it me or is it you starting to feel pressure of life" He comments with a light chuckle and then turning to a stern face. "Let it out, I know we've just met but I'm here to rant to" he says wrapping his strong hands around mine.

"It's nothing" I lied

Can I easily be read like a book? Life as it is seems dull but I'm used to it. Despite being under constant protection and locked in a room studying hard as my dad raised me.

Logan chucked.

"I understand" he smiles dropping his hands to his lap.

It was awkward silence for moment until Logan's phone rang and picked up. He seemed not so thrilled yet determined at the same time. Yet I couldn't quite hear the person on the other end.

"The package is waiting 5 miles from Chicago be there before they do"

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