Chapter 6

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I'm at work and the girls are at school. We have finally managed to catch up on the scenes we needed to in only a week.
We finish filming a scene and get a break before the next one. I go to my trailer to get out of the costume before I will go talk to Sasha, Bruce, Lorraine, Jordan and the others. I go to leave the trailer when my phone rings, I answer it and it's a call from the school both Gracie and Emery are at the nurse sick. I finish the call and go tell the others that I have to go as my daughters are sick. I get there and go inside to get the girls and sign them out when Avery is also there. The nurse says "a bug must be going through your house all three girls have the same symptoms, take them home for some rest and go to the doctor if they get any worse"
We all get in the car and I drive to Finley's school and sign her out, it turned out she was going to the nurse to as she wasn't feeling well either.

I get home and we all go and snuggle up with some blankets to watch some movies together for some rest. Half way through the movie I look around and all the girls are asleep, I get up and got to the kitchen and start making some food for when they wake up to keep their strength up. I get everything ready and there is a knock on the door, I open it to see Sasha. I let her in and we talk away from the girls to not wake them up.
Sasha says "I came to see how it was going and who was sick?"
This was something we both did whenever one of us has a sick child the other would always visit. I say "it's alright the girls are asleep and all four of them are sick"
Sasha looks confused and asks "since when did you have four daughters?"
I smile and say "I'm so sorry everything has been so hectic lately I haven't had the chance to talk to you about it, I am fostering with the plans to adopt a nine year old called Gracie. She is already like my daughter and the girls are more than happy to have her as another sister"
Sasha says "wow, I didn't know you were thinking about adopting, I'm happy for you family"
I smile and say "I wasn't thinking about adopting but I met Gracie on set one day and she had no one, I couldn't leave her"
Sasha smiles and says "you have a big heart, she is lucky to have you"
I nod and she says "I'm surprised that no one else knows"
I say "yeah, I think most people think Gracie is a friend of the girls. Gracie has been at work, out shopping with us and is now at school with Emery and Avery. The media hasn't picked up on it yet but I will talk to Gracie about whether she wants them to know as I post photos and videos of the girls and she will be in them"

Adopted by Angie Harmon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now