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What makes memory a memory? What is memory after all?

The dark offered no answer to the questions arising to her mind, merely if not forgotten than something the woman could not answer herself, for the wisdom and knowledge was not as wide in her as other, perhaps older men and women who had seen more peril, more ruin and more age to the world.

She was not quite sure how many hours had passed, nor if they were merely minutes yet by the arising of gray moon just above the foliage she had left behind, it was a guess as good as any that the night was yet to pass and day yet to come in many silent hours seen to her.

Cold was the wind that, no matter how lightly swept Nesryn's loose hair, bit her exposed features in vague similarity to the very snow and ice felt upon the mountains and the branches above following its steady blow to the clear sight of the moon in an area reduced of them, a clearing Nesryn decided to look upon as she swept to a stop just beneath the shine of the moon.

She sat on a stone, let the wandering thoughts plaguing her mind overcome the shortly lasting peacefulness within her and looking up at the moon silently questioned. "Why is it so hard to yet return to normal when the world gave you nothing to return to?"

She blinked away the quickly coming thoughts of her recent dream, the one that gave her just a partial sight in on what had truly happened and the future yet to come she feared so greatly- death. She feared death, feared what it might do to her as for she was the sight seen in that well within the burning fields and without a single memory of her homeland that she did not want to loose a life without knowing the truth.

Yet one part it was that arose in her, one part she could not explain silently to herself nor word it out to someone- it was so different, so lost, unknown to her for many years in passing, she did not know how in any way to think of it. The woman did not know how it was that more and more she thought of the future envisioned for her, she felt as if not only loosing herself but someone else as well- the thought of Legolas came up and yet she feared so greatly not to see the Elf with the first rising of the sun already awake or to speak of her long lost homeland she had only confined in him.

In a few words it scared her greatly. And yet, what knowledge she had of it equaled nothing for she could not explain it to herself.

Nesryn lowered the intent gaze she held upon the moon, silently her own eyes forgotten what shine it offered as the sweeping wind ever so cold seemed to grow even stronger- or perhaps it was all but a feeling as the woman sat still on that stone, lacking movement which was in reality, a rather strange occurence for her.

It would remain that way, if it were not for constant sounds of another pair of footsteps her ears depicted above the wind and a voice calling her name rather quietly, yet still audible it was. Just a few moments later a face of a man appeared, who then stopped calling her.

"Gandalf wishes to speak with you." Nesryn heard Aragorn's voice say, whirled to face the man and had quite a few trouble detecting where it was that the voice came from as then she realised it was her left side, no mere five minute walk to the campsite between her and her current position.

Without a word she brought herself up, nodded even if she was quite sure he did not see her and began following her steps back to the campsite amidst the circling trees before breaking into a much larger clearing. A tiny bit of fire crackled in the middle, in its faint orange circle Nesryn noticed two of her companions were dozed off and one, the Wizard stood more to the side with eyes resting upon the sky.

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