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A little girl who is appearantly on her 5 years old runs towards her father while giggling happily.

"father!"that girl calls her father and her father immediately embraces her.

"hey, darling. You look very happy today." Her father smiles while looking at his precious daughter. And then he continues to speak,

"Kaleza, meet father's good friend, Rayga Kertia."

A very handsome blonde haired man, scarlet red eyes with a mask covering half of his face appears beside the black haired man. The man's daughter immediately greets warmly the blonde haired man beside her father.

"good morning, Mr. Rayga!"

The so-called-Rayga-man smiled, and he takes off his mask.

"good morning, Kaleza." And then he turns his head where there is a little boy who appearantly looks the same age as Kaleza stands.

"Rajak, please greet father's friend and his daughter."

The boy who looks very similar to him gives his head a bow to Tanzo and Kaleza. He looks very polite and a little bit stiff, like Nobles in general.

"is this your son, Rayga? He looks very much like you." Says Tanzo while looking at Rajak. Rayga then smiled, while turning his body to the opposite way.

"Tanzo, what about we let the kids play together for a while? There is something I need to talk with you."

The man called Tanzo nodded. And then he releases his embrace from his daughter.

"Kaleza, father wants to talk for a while with Mr. Rayga. Can you please play for a while with his son?" says Tanzo with a loving smile. But he realizes that his daughter looks a bit disappointed upon hearing his request.

"it's alright, baby. I will be right back." He kisses his daughter's head then walks away with his friend.

Upon the two men's departure, there are only two kids left on the same place. They stand still on their own ground, but not facing each other for quite a long time.

A few minutes later, finally one of them initiate to open a conversation.

"hello, my name is Kaleza Rozerk. What is yours?" the little girl smiles, and offers her small right hand towards the little boy. At first, the noble kid besides her stares at the girl with almost-no-expression kind of face. But now he offers his hand also.

"Rajak Kertia."

"nice to meet you Rajak!" said the girl happily. The boy stares at her quite a few minutes, still with the same no-expression-face.

-Rayga and Tanzo's plot-

The two so-called best friends walk casually, enjoying the cold breeze softly hits their skin. For quite a few moment, no one talks, just wind, and the sound of their footsteps. But finally, the black haired man starts the conversation.


"yes , Tanzo?"

"is your wife OK now? I heard she was sick."

"she is healthy now. Just a bit too tired."says Rayga while fixing his mask.

Silence again.

Suddenly Rayga stops his steps and closes both of his eyes.

"Tanzo..yesterday I..met the Lord." Rayga folds his own two hands, and opens his mask. His friend immediately turns his head to him.

"and then?"

Rayga stares at the sky for a while, and then he lets out a little smile.

"the Lord called for me and said that your daughter and my son.. will share the same life path."

Tanzo looks very shocked. He didn't expect that the Lord knew about this all along.

"the first time I heard so I was also very shocked. I mean, how come our children will have the same life path?" says Rayga calmly. "but I don't know why, upon hearing that statement..the feeling human called 'happiness' rose upon me."

Tanzo lowers his head, facing the ground. He really didn't expect this. As a father, it's very normal to have this kind of reaction if it's all about daughter-related kind of thing.

"Rayga... I am going to meet the Lord."

Rayga looked at his best friend with a very startled expression. It's only this time, that Tanzo Rozerk, questioned upon the Lord's statement. But he is also sure, that as a good father, he definitely wants the best for his daughter.

"alright." Says Rayga while putting back his mask and walks back towards where their children's are.

-the next day, on the Lord's castle-

The athmosphere on the Lord's castle feels tranquil. The Noble's Lord is sitting on his throne, one hand placed upon his chin.


"yes, Lord." A family leader who has been on his side for a long time answered his call politely.


Lord doesn't continue his words, which confuses the family leader.

"i-is there anything I can help you with, Lord? Just say it, I will do it with all of my soul and heart."

A few minutes passed by, and The Lord suddenly laughed.

"y-your Majesty? Why do you laugh?" Gechutel stares at the Lord with full of confusion.

" I know why some of the nobles feel bored living guys are..too damn stiff! Maybe once in a while I must open some kind of comedy contest just for noble." The Lord continues to laugh, which makes the family leader don't know what to say anymore.

Not long after, another family leader who clearly is Tanzo Rozerk walk towards the room where the Lord and Gechutel are. After being on the Lord's presence, he kneels down.

"Your Majesty, Lord." Said the family leader. The so-called Lord who is being called smiles, and starts talking.

"Tanzo, what makes you come here?"

The family leader gripped both of his hands above the floor. He stays quite, hasn't come to answer the Lord's question. He seems to be doubting his own question to the Noble Lord.

"Tanzo, my kid. What makes you look so doubtful? Just ask what you want to know, I won't bite you I swear!" says the Lord with cheerful laugh, which makes Gechutel lets out a small sigh.

Tanzo finally decided to opens his mouth and initiate a conversation.

"Lord..actually..I want to ask about.." Tanzo swallows his own saliva. "is it right that my daughter and the first son of Rayga Kertia share the same life path?"

Silence fills the room for a while. Lord seems to show no expression. Gechutel who stands there lets out quite a shocked expression upon hearing that man's question.

"'s not that I doubt your statement. But I just—" before Tanzo completes his sentence, the Lord starts to talk.

"Tanzo." The Lord smiles. "I understand your feelings. I too have a daughter. If I were in your position, I would also say the same thing. But, Tanzo..just for you know, this thing is for your own daughter's good."

" daughter's own good?" the family leader stares at the Lord's confusedly.

"yes, my kid. I have seen and felt your daughter's and Rayga's son future. In the future, world will have so much change. And both of them..." the Lord continues to explain, with the Rozerk's family leader listening faithfully.

After hearing the Lord's explanation, Tanzo closes his eyes. He thinks for a while. And then he decided to open his mouth.

"Lord..I, Tanzo Rozerk, as your servant and Kaleza's father..agrees your words."

The Lord smiled after hearing the man's word.

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