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-Tanzo's POV-

After finished talking with the Lord and my best friend, Rayga, I decided to go back. The sky is already dark, and the moon lets out its' beautiful shine.

I open my house's door slowly, in order to not disturb my daughter who probably has slept already in her bedroom. But as I take my step on living room, I found my daughter is sleeping tightly on a table.

I got pretty much shocked upon realizing her presence there. Then I walk to her direction to wake her up. But before I succeed to do so, she wakes up on her own.


She rubs her eyes and continues talking.

"why you came home so late? Did you have some bussiness?" asks her while trying to stand up. But because she is very sleepy, her small body staggers, and I immediately catch her to my embrace.

"Kaleza, why were you sleeping here, darling? Please sleep in your room."

"i'm waiting you to come home daddy.. umm.." said her deliriously. She seems to be half-asleep.

I smiled upon hearing her words. it's been a long time since she called me 'daddy'. it's only when she was four or five years old when she called me that way. Upon thinking about that, I carry her to her bedroom and place her body there. She immediately got sleep after that.

I carress her head softly while staring at her peaceful sleeping face.

My daughter...

I am sorry.

I will not be able to be with you any longer.

I wasn't able to give you my best.

I just want you to...




Be happy.

Tears stream down on my cheek. I wipe it out with my right hand and I get myself closer to my daughter to kiss her forehead. Some memories about her suddenly come disturbing my head. There she smiles, laughs, mad, sad, and so on. Those memories..I will not forget it. She is the greatest gift I can ever ask in my life.

Not long after, dark blue colored aura-which is no other than mine-surrounds my daughter's room.

"maybe this is the time."

-Kaleza's POV-



I cannot see anything.

Where am I ?

The only thing I remember..was me being collapse after talking with my dad..i am pretty sure it's because I am so damn sleepy. But why can't I see anything now?

Is is the real me, or is it just an illusion?

Wait, let me recall things out.

After my dad came home, everything seems to be black. But isn't it only because I was asleep ? if so, why can't I see anything now? Ah, wait.. isn't that..some sort of light..?

I can feel my eyes open by itself slowly, then I start to gain my conciousness. I realize that I am in my bedroom, leaning on my bed.

I change my position slowly to seating position while touching my forehead with my fingers. It hurts so bad. Did I just hit my own head while sleeping?

"you woke up."

A very familiar voice came from beside me. I turn my head to the source of the sound, and see Rajak sitting on a chair.

I stare at him for a while with confused look. He stares at me back without any expression.

"why are you here..?"

He doesn't answer my question. He just stares at me like that. But this time, I can feel some sort of sadness on his eyes.

"ah-I must fell asleep after talking with my dad. Yesterday he went back really late, so..yeah. hahaha" I laugh awkwardly, wanting to break the tense. But he still not moving an inch. I slowly avert my sight from him, avoiding his eyes from mine.

Silence fills the room for a while. None of us are talking.

"how long has I been asleep? It feels so damn long.." I finally decided to speak up. I stare at Rajak, who still hasn't avert his eyes from me. He then closes his eyes for a bit.

"a week." He replies.

"what the- a week?!" I didn't realize that I would sleep for that long. What did I do until I was asleep for that long?

I abruptly shove the blanket which has been covering myself off from my body and get up from my bed. When my foot steps on the floor, my knees feel powerless until I almost fall down.

That time, Rajak catches me and takes my body on his embrace.

"be careful."

I swear to God that I almost had a heart attack just now. Or did my heart just jump out from its' place?

"the hell? What was I thinking!?"

I try to stand by my own, and push his body away from me for a bit.


He doesn't give any response. He just stares at me.

"your father is outside, let me take you to him." He said while walking to my room's door.

He lets me to come out first, then he follows me from behind. I immediately walk to the living room. My father and Sir Rayga are sitting there. They seem to be talking about something but I don't know what is it.

Upon realizing my presence, Sir Rayga turns his head towards my direction.

"Kaleza, you are awake already."

"good morning, Sir." I bow my head to him. Rajak still doesn't show any emotion.

After hearing my greeting, Sir Rayga chuckles a bit.

"this is already evening, kid."


I immediately search for windows around the house and see outside. And it's true that the sun almost gone already. I feel really shocked upon realizing how long have I been asleep.

Suddenly my dad's sound breaks the silence.

"Kaleza," he gets up from where he sat towards my direction. "how is your condition now?" he looks worried.

"my condition? Did something happen to me?"

None of them reply my question, so I continue to talk.

"I only remember that you came back home so late, and th-"

Before I finish my sentence, my dad suddenly take my body into his loving-warm embrace. i can't move even a bit.

He just hugs me like that without even budging a bit. He doesn't say anything.

The same goes for Sir Rayga and Rajak whose are just being silent.

I slowly reach my dad's body in order to reply his hug with mine. At that exact time I also feel that his body shakes frivolously.

"dad, what hap-"

Suddenly I feel that on my shoulder right where he leans his face on gets wet. He cries. I really don't know why he cries, but one exact thing is that I can tell is that he is really hurt. Like, deeply damn hurt.


(P.S : I am truly sorry for the slow update, I had been really busy with my college assignments. i will try to update faster than before. and anyway, i am thinking of making this book updated chapter by chapter so you guys won't wait too long. i will try my best to make it happen. enjoy!)

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