Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Dr. Alphenzyhmuh Dthmilly'yi was a complicated man to say the least. There was little time when he wasn't teaching the Mutant Sciences or mumbling about the poor hand life had dealt him, but I loved him anyway, as much as a student could love a teacher. He was smart and witty enough- far smarter than I- and could always whip me back into my place. I wish I could pronounce his name; Dr. Dilly suited him just fine.

Dr. Dilly shuffled the deck of cards and set it on the table. "Pick which deck you want to play with. I designed these ones to play easy."

"Are you sure about that?" I grabbed the left deck. "That's what you said last time and I still lost."

"But you forget that the last time you came to my office for a game, you were fuming over Miss Grey-"

"It really was her fault! But no- I'm the bad guy! She started that whole mess but because she comes from that family-"

"Calm down, Miss Creed. Draw five cards."

"Okay. Fine. Now what?"

"Do you have a location card?"

"Yeah. The original school."

"Put it into play and give me a minute to find the ability packet."

I set the card on top of the game mat as Dr. Dilly flipped through his card box; it was huge and should have been alphabetized, but it wasn't; he played with them too much.

The location card read: Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters/ "Mutatis Mutandis." I hated it.

Dr. Dilly placed a small, face down deck next to it. "There. So based off of this, you got my 'good guys' build."

"Yeah." It was nice to be considered good for once in my life; I looked down at my cards. One Rogue, two safe houses, a Beast, and the Wolverine's dog tags. "Hey, I thought you said this deck was good."

"It is good." The Dr. discarded a card and looked over his. "You just got a bad hand."

"You made it that way-"

"I didn't do any such thing." He hovered his fingers over his hand and grabbed a card. "I put Magneto into play."

He set the car on the mat in front of him, a smile on his face. I looked at my cards again. "I'll play the safehouse."

"Good choice, Miss Creed. Please draw from the location deck." Dilly Motioned to the smaller deck; I drew. Tripped Security/ Look through your deck until you find (2) character cards. Put them into immediate play and shuffle your deck. A smile crept on my lips. What a good draw. I began to flip through my deck.

"I assume you didn't just come here to play cards or did you, Miss Creed?"

I continued to look through the cards. "Yeah, actually. Well, I mean, you're my counselor so I guess I just assumed you could help me."

"Yes and no. And you know what that makes out of you when you assume."

"Yeah, yeah. I know- but I could say the same about you."

"Touché. Now, what is your concern?"

"I want to be re-evaluated."

"What?" He set his hand down. I pulled a Pre-Phoenix Jean Grey from the deck. Great. Just my luck. I stopped looking.

"I want to be re-evaluated."

"Oh no, I know that, but why? You make a perfect member for the school's Brotherhood Branch. Why would you want to change?"

"Because." I scratched my nose and set my hand down. "I want to be an X-Man."

Dr. Dilly furrowed his brow and leaned back in his chair; he crossed his arms and put his hand under his chin. "I would never have guessed."

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