Chapter 7

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The Museum of Mutant History stood tall over the crashing waves of the sea along the east coastal plate nestled neatly among pristine gardens. Every year, the higher classes came for a visit to further familiarize themselves with the past. It was a busy place.

I met my friends inside the lobby. It was packed. The Central branch of the school wasn't the only one visiting the museum. As we all gathered inside the lobby, I watched several groups of students I didn't recognize. They were talking and laughing with one another as they went off down several corridors to the exhibits and inner simulation rooms. Alex smacked my arm excitedly. I looked at her, her hair tucked neatly in a hat, face makeup less, and chest bound.

"I can't wait to go do a simulation! What's it like?" He smiled and set his backpack down.

I thought for a minute. "Well, it's kind of cool getting to interact with holograms of your ancestors. The technology in the system is so intense that the holograms act and react as they would have in life."

"It's pretty wicked." Bastian walked around us and our his arm around Alex. "Imagine this! You're standing in a room all by yourself when suddenly- Bam! Meet Mr. Sinister!"

"Or Remy or Rogue or whoever you want." Abrielle stood next to me, clutching a museum guide to her chest. She tilted her head and smiled. "There really is nothing like it."

Nathaniel smiled and looked around the room before coming to a halt. "Whoa."

We all looked in the general direction and tried to figure out what was so interesting to him. I knew right away.

A girl, tall and thin and well endowed, standing and laughing with a group of X-Men. She was pretty with her long curling blonde hair and flawless skin. A rich girl. She glanced our way and her body language changed. Her eyes locked with Nathaniel's and she began to make her way over to us.

"Oh my gosh. She's coming right over." Nathaniel looked flustered.

She graced the floor and moved with confidence, throwing her X-Man jacket over her shoulder. "Well don't you five look like quite the crew."

"We most certainly are." He began running his hand up and down his leg nervously

"Elizavetta Frostain," she smiled, looking Nathaniel up and down, her gaze cold. "And who might you all be?"

I felt a discomfort in my stomach.

"Nathaniel Essex. This is Bastian and Abrielle LeBeau, Kyrany Creed, And my sister- brother- Alex." He quickly corrected himself as Alex smiled a bit and waved.

The discomfort grew heavy and crept up into my chest.

Elizavetta put her hand to her mouth and rolled her eyes. "Oh please. She is your sister and she will always be your sister."

My heart began to burn.

Alex's hand dropped as he slowly looked away. Abrielle took his hand in hers. "Come on Alexander. Let's go check out your family line. I hear it's pretty sweet!"


"Oh totally!" Bastain took the signal and grabbed Alex's bag from off the floor.


"Okay." Alex looked to his brother, smile fading, and left with the twins. I watched Nathaniel closely. He didn't seem to notice Alex's pain as much as he was ogling at Elizavetta.


Then it hit me.

I liked him.

"Nathaniel! Can I have a word with you, alone?"

"Okay fine." He smiled and Elizavetta as she flipped her hair and gave him a small wave. She pulled out her phone and walked over to the atrium and began snapping photos of herself. "What's up?"

"Well, aren't you going to stand up for Alex?"

"Alex? Why would I have to do that?"

"Because she just insulted your brother and blatantly refused to acknowledge him as a person."

"Really? I didn't notice." He glanced back over to her and sighed happily, a goofy smile strung across his face.

"Will you listen to yourself? She's dogmatic and stuck up and prissy-"

"Stop being jealous of her!" Nathaniel looked back at me and scrunched his face in anger. "I know you, Kyrany. You get this way when you're jealous of someone. Is it because she's pretty? Or talented? What is it? Tell me."

"Shove a sock in it," I growled, my chest tightening. I could feel myself slipping and my animalistic tendencies begging me to let them manifest. My clawed twitched and my heart raced. "You're better than this."

"Better than what? Liking an X-Man because she's nice?!"

"Not liking. Lusting."

"Shut up, Kyrany! Look, I don't want to talk about this. When you're ready to be civil and act like an adult, I'll be here, but until then, I'm not talking to you." He turned and walked over to Elizavetta. I watched as she put her arms around him, kissed his cheek, and snapped another picture. He was smiling and wrapped his arm around her waist. She gasped and began flirting with him, stringing him along as she began walking down one of the museum corridors and they disappeared.

I couldn't take it anymore. Rage filled my body as I grabbed my bag. Before I could even blink, the sound of shattering glass filled the room and my bag lay in the dirt of the garden, its contents spilled everywhere. Shards littered the floor and everyone in the lobby was looking at me.

"Miss Creed!" Dr. Dilly called sternly from across the room. I looked at him, breathing heavy. He lifted his hand and motioned for me to come over, frustration in his eyes. "A word."

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