Chapter 12

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Alex stood in front of the mirror in his room. He touched his face, tugging gently at the skin, and sighed. "I just don't know, Abrielle. I'm just so feminine."

"Well, of course, you are." Abrielle smiled on the computer screen. The two were hanging out on a video chat as they normally did after hours. "But what does that matter? Right now, you are a boy."

"She's right, Alex!" Bastian called from somewhere off-screen. "Own who you are and ignore what all the crappy people say."

"Just because some spoiled little X-Man can't see past the tip of her nose doesn't mean you have to feel bad about who you are."

Alex smiled just a little. "Thanks, Abrielle. You're amazing!."

"And what about me?" Bastian rolled up behind his sister on a swivel chair and gave Alex the sassiest look.

"You're amazing as well." He laughed and shook his head. "Hey, do you guys thin eyeshadow would look good with my vest and slacks?"

"Uh, duh! Everything looks good on you, dude." Abrielle leaned back in her chair. "What color were you thinking?"

"Just neutral tones. Probably shades of brown."

"That will look great." Abrielle looked at the time. "I've got to go. Dinner will be done soon."

"Okay! Have fun."

"We will."

"Talk with me later, okay?"

"Definitely. Bye."

"Bye." Abrielle logged out of the chat and Alex smiled back in the mirror.

'Yeah,' He thought. 'I'm perfectly fine just the way I am.'

He fixed his hair and walked downstairs. Nathaniel sat at the kitchen table typing up a paper for school. He was quietly reading it to himself as their mom moved about the kitchen.

Her name was Sariah and she was quite possibly the nicest, sweetest person Alex had ever met. "Hey, sweetheart!" She smiled at Alex. "How is my sweet boy doing today?"

"I'm good." He sat down at the table next to Nathaniel.

"That's wonderful!" She grabbed some plates out of the cupboard and set three on the table. "So as I was just telling Nathan-"

"Nathaniel." He corrected, not looking up from the page.

"Nathaniel, sorry dear."

"Whatever." Nathaniel's phone buzzed and he checked it, smiling. Alex leaned over and saw that it was from Elizavetta. He retreated back into his chair."

"As I was telling Nathaniel, dad is working a little later tonight so he will be missing dinner with us."

Alex nodded and watched Nathaniel texting away. "That's fine."

Sariah finished setting the table and checked on dinner. "How was school today?"
"It was great." Nathaniel smiled."

"For you maybe."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Oh, I don't know," Alex rolled his eyes and looked away. "You didn't have your existence made fun of."

"What are you talking about?" Sariah looked at the two.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Nathaniel received another message and responded. Alex became frustrated and smacked the phone out of his hand. "What was that for-!?"
"Why didn't you stand up for me?"
"Excuse me?"
"Elizavetta is a bigot!"

"Take that back!" Nathaniel stood up quickly and slammed his hand into the table. His chair fell over and the kitchen was blanketed in silence for only a moment.

"You heard me right."

"Shut up Alex!" Nathaniel screamed. "She's just fine!"

Alex jumped to his feet and stepped back. "We should have just let Kyrany tear her apart!"

"Why are you bringing her into this?" Nathaniel was baffled. "She has nothing to do with it! And what about you? Why can't you take a joke?"

Sariah put her hand on Nathaniel's shoulder and made him sit down. "Enough you two!" She bent down and picked up the phone. "You should be nice to each other. You're brothers, not enemies."

"Half-siblings," Nathaniel muttered under his breath, taking the phone.

Alex swallowed back tears and tried to distract himself. He scrolled through his phone, checking the latest feeds. New fashions, upcoming trends, current events. A notification popped up in the corner and he tapped it.

"Hey mom, we need to go." He said, urgent.

"What's going on?" She asked, suddenly very concerned.

"Nathaniel," Alex grabbed his hand, alarmed. "We need to go."


"Kyrany's at a fight again."

"So?" Nataniel shook his head. "She always wins so she'll be okay."
Alex shook his head and swallowed hard. "She not that lucky." 

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